Chapter 22

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Ok people it looks as though we have reached the end of our story, as this will be the last chapter, I hope you've enjoyed reading it and will read the next story in the series Rose Snape the Third Year. Thanks. :)

It turned out that Father had told Dumbledore that we had gone with Lockhart so we were promptly summons to Dumbledore's office, where we were surprised to discover that he was back and he was not pleased with what we had done.............

I curled my toes in my shoes and kept my head tilted down slightly as the headmaster talked to us about the seriousness of what we had done.

'You all realise of course that in the past few hours, you have perhaps broken a dozen school rules.'

'Yes sir.' We mumbled.

'There is sufficient evidence to have all three of you expelled.' We glanced at each other nervously.

'Yes sir.'

'Therefore it is on,y fitting that all of you receive................ Special awards for services to the school.' He smiled. We grinned sheepishly at each other.

'Thanks sir.' I said and he stood Uh with several pieces of parchment in his hands and made his way around the side of the desk.

'Now Mr Weasley if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban.' He handed the parchment over to Ron. 'I believe we want our gamekeeper back.' He smiled and escorted Ron towards the door before turning to us.

'Would you like me to go too, sir?' I asked quietly.

'Not at all, Miss Snape. First I would like to thank the both of you. You must have show me real loyalty down in the chamber, nothing but that would have called Fawkes to you and second I sense that something is troubling you, would I be right Harry?' He was right, I could sense it too.

'It's just, you see sir I-I couldn't help but notice certain similarities between Tom Riddle a-and me.' My friend replied.

'I see, well, you can speak parseltongue because lord Voldemort can speak parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Harry, he transferred some of his powers to you the night he gave you that scar.'

What! Ok how is that possible? I glanced at Harry and judging by the look on his face he was having a hard time believing it too.

'Voldemort transferred some on his powers............. To me?' Dumbledore nodded and started walking back around his desk before continuing.

'Not intentionally, but yes.'

'So the sorting hat was right; I should be in Slytherin.' Harry said and we turned to face the Professor as he sat down.

'It's true Harry; you possess many of the qualities Voldemort himself prizes: determination, resourcefulness and if I may say so a certain disregard for the rules.' He added quirking an eyebrow and he leant back in his chair. 'Why, then, did the sorting hat place you in Gryffindor?'

'Because I asked it too.' Harry smiled.

'Exactly Harry, exactly! Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that show who we truly are, it is our choices. If you want proof of why you belong in Gryffindor then I suggest you look more closely at this.' He handed Harry the sword and I held back a gasp as we read the name on it.

'Godric Gryffindor.' Harry smiled as he read the name of our houses founder.

'It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that outfit of the hat.' We smiled.

The three of then turned to look as the door opened to reveal none other than Lucius Malfoy, he walked strutting like the pompous windbag that he is, but my eyes widened when I saw who had come with him.

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