Chapter 19

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The rest of the holidays went past in a flash and soon the new term started and classes resumed. Everyone was busy getting on with what homework they had and getting ready for the next quidditch game of Gryffindor VS Hufflepuff.

However I was surprised that when the day came and it was canceled, I was even more surprised when Professor McGonagall came looking for me along with Harry and Ron and she led us to the hospital wing. Once we were there she stopped us and looked at us with a grave expression.

'I want you this could be a wee bit of a shock.' She said and we walked over to one of the beds. Lying on the bed stone still was.........

'Hermione.' I said horrified. Her eyes were wide with terror and her mouth open in a gasp, with her arm stretched out in front of her as if she was holding something.

'She was found near the library, only with this.' McGonagall said picking up a hand held mirror off the nearby bed stand. 'Does it mean anything to you?' We shook our heads.

It was strange though, what would Hermione being doing with a mirror? We all knew she wasn't vain and she didn't tend to spend that much time in front of mirrors, so why would she be looking into one now? I wondered.

The three of us stood in silence and I watched as Harry gently took ahold of Hermione outstretched hand. We stayed there for as long as we could, then Madame Pomfrey told us to get our dinner so we walked to the Great Hall.

'We need to find out who's behind this before someone gets killed again.' I said once we were back in the Tower. Then McGonagall came in through the portrait hole to talk to us.

'These new rules will be put into effect immediately: all students will return to their common rooms before six o'clock every evening and all students will be escorted to and from every class by a teacher, no exceptions.' She said promptly before adding. 'I should warn you, unless the person behind these attacks is caught it is likely the school will be closed.' She said then she turned and left.

'We need to talk to Hagrid.' Harry said.

'But you heard what she said; we're not allowed to leave the Tower except for class.' Ron reminded him.

'I think it's time to get my Dad's old cloak out again.' Harry suggested and we agreed to go to Hagrid that night after dark. As we walked I thought about what Harry had told us about Tom Riddle's diary and I couldn't help but ask:

'What exactly did the diary show? Are you sure that it was Hagrid that opened the chamber?'

'Yes, but I don't believe it. Hagrid is our friend and he would never want to hurt muggle-borns after all he's always been kind to Hermione.' He replied.

'I agree, but I was strange that someone stole the diary I mean why would they want to?'

'Who cares.' Ron said nervous as we approached Hagrid's hut. However when we knocked on Hagrid's door, he opened it and pointed a crossbow though the crack as he scanned the darkness.

'Who's there? Show your self.' We pulled the cloak off of us and Hagrid sighed in relief. 'Oh, it's just you three. Come in.' He said walking back inside and we followed quickly after him. Once we were all inside I gently shut the door behind us and we stared as Hagrid poured a cup of tea; his hands were shaking terribly and we could hear the clanking of the chinaware and we saw the tea spill over as he was looking at us.

'Hagrid are you ok?' Harry asked. Hagrid nodded. 'Did you hear about Hermione?'

'Oh yeah I heard about that.' He said then he realised the tea was over flowing from the cup and he went to clean it up, muttering angrily to himself.

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