Chapter 16

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'So we now know that the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago and a muggle-born was killed.' Harry said to Hermione the next day when we went to visit her.

'We also know that Malfoy isn't the heir of Slytherin.' I said.

'Oh well, it was worth a try.' Hermione shrugged. 'So we're really not that much closer to solving this mystery are we?'

'No.' Ron and I shook our heads.

'Anyway, I've got to go find Snape and ask him something.' I said walking towards the exit.

'What are you going to ask him?' Ron asked.

'Just something.' I replied as I disappeared out into the corridor, then I heard the others talking.

'Is it just me or is she getting more secretive?' Ron asked.

'What do you mean?' Harry asked.

'Well, she's going out and doing things without us and not telling what she's doing, it just seems strange. Maybe she's up to something.' Ron replied.

'No way this is Rose.' Mione stood up for me.

'Exactly and Rose is a lot different from Stephanie.' Ron said.

I didn't stick around to hear anymore and I went to find Snape, however I didn't find him in the dungeons. In fact the dungeons were completely empty, there was no one down there at all. I listened as the heavy silence hung in the air before walking through the abandoned hallway. Or at least it was abandoned until I went to walk back past the Slytherin common room and Draco walked out.

'Rose.' He said surprised.

'Hi Draco.' I replied putting on a smile.

'Can we talk?'

'Well I was actually looking for Snape, can I meet you at the weeping willow at lunch?'

'Sure.' He replied downhearted and I walked off to continue my search. I finally found Snape at breakfast and I managed to catch him as he was leaving the Great Hall.

'Professor.' I said walking out with him.

'Yes Rose?' He asked.

'I wanted to give you these.' I said handing him all my overdue assignments. 'I know they're incredibly late, but I thought I should still hand them in.' He skimmed over them and looked at me.

'Rose, when did you write these?'

'Um after school and on the weekends; whenever I can get out of the castle.'

'They're great, but why do you need to get out of the castle to do them?' He asked suspiciously.

'I um...........It doesn't matter, anyway I've got to go. Goodbye Professor.' I said then I left.

Later that afternoon on my way to lunch I ran into Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Zambini along with several older Gryffindors that I didn't know. I looked around for a way past the group, but unfortunately for me there wasn't one. They glared at me with hatred and I glared back.

'Get out of my way.' I growled annoyed.

'Why should we mudblood?' Zambini asked.

'How dare you saw that word, you stuck up pureblood windbag.' I hissed. Making them oooh.

'Little Snape's got some guts, eh? Well let's see how you like this.' He pulling out his wand. 'Locomotor mortis.' He said, but I blocked the spell.

'Expelliarmus.' I replied nocking his wand from his hand, then the others ganged up on me and the battle began. 'Flipendo!'


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