Stuck With A Lunatic

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Dedicated to besst66. Sorry it took so long.❤

So there I was staring at a blank wall. I know, fun. I was also listening to a lunatic and his long annoying story. I wasn't even paying attention. I just want to know why I'm even here

My mom and dad are going to be so worried.

"And that's why I'm not allowed at the local swimming pool." He finished his boring story, finally.

"That's a nice story. Now can you tell me why I'm here?" I asked him. I didn't turn around because I was to angry to look at him. How dare he kidnap me!

"You're here because I'm waiting for Alex to come save you."


"So I can kill him." He said matteroffactly.

"Why do you think he will come for me?"

"Because he likes you."

"We're friends." I think.

"Oh really? I thought I saw you guys kissing in the parking lot. In fact you were almost stripping each other on a wall." I could hear the laughter in his voice.

"You were watching us?" I was disgusted.

"It was kind of hard not to." Gross. I heard the door open and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ah finally you show up. Sofia is pretty, but shes really boring." I'm boring! Jeez. I turned around and saw my favorite green eyed person. Alex came to save me. I got mushy inside. Don't judge, I couldn't help it.

"Nico, why did you kidnap Sofia? We all know you won't do anything." Alex said. He sounded bored. Feelings mutual.

"Oh on the contrary. I'm going to kill you." I saw the disbelief in Alex's face.

"Okay first of all, don't tell me you're going to kill me. Second of all, you can't kill me." Nico lunged at Alex and they fell to the ground. This is pathetic. Nico is a terrible kidnapper. Alex hit Nico in the jaw and Nico returned the favor. Paco came in and shook his head. Am I the only one who doesn't get this whole thing? Oh here comes the knife.

"Paco, do something." I looked at Paco and he rolled his eyes, but he helped anyway. Nico stabbed Alex in the arm before Paco had a chance to take it away from him. That's when I stepped in. I ran at Nico and jumped on his back.

"What are you doing angel?" Alex asked while holding his arm. It looked like it hurt.

"Yeah, what are you doing?" Nico said. He said it like he wanted to murder me. I looked at Paco and gave him a private message. He seemed to understand.

"I'm distracting you." I said. Paco came behind Nico.

"What are you talking about." Nico somewhat growled at me. Paco pulled me down and thew Nico into the wall. He walked over and slugged Nico once on the nose and Nico passed out. I walked over to Alex.

"Are you ok Alex?" His arm was bleeding.

"Yeah, I just need to get patched up. I'll be fine." Paco picked up Nico and put him on a chair. He tied him up.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked.

"So if he wakes up, he won't come after us."

"What if he can't get out?"

"Trust me, he can and he will."

"Then lets get out of here." Alex said.

"Ok lets go." Alex shoved me into a black camaro. How does he change vehicle's all the time? I love camaros. They are so sleek and cool.

"Are you ok Sofia?" Paco asked.

"He didn't try anything on you, did he?" This time Alex asked. What is it with these guys?

"Why would you want to know?" I raised my eyebrow. He mumbled something in spanish and looked at the road. As he should, because hes driving. So this is awkward. I don't think I've been in a car with two guys. I turned on the radio and Fall for you by Secondhand Serenade came on. I started singing to it. I love this song. Then Paco joined in. Ha.. he can sing. I looked at Alex. He looked like he was thinking about something. I looked at Paco and I gabe him a secret message. We started to sing louder and off key. Pretty soon me, Paco, and Alex were all singing really off key, with the windows down. Every time we passed by someone,they would look at us weird. I didn't think I could laugh so much in one night, and after being kidnapped. We got to my house. I said bye to Paco and Alex and I went inside. I said hi and goodnight to my mom and dad. For once I actually went to bed with a smile on my face. I silently thanked Alex.

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