Alexs P.O.V

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When Sofia fell asleep on me I didn't know what to do, I froze. She snuggled closer to me and started snoring slightly.  She is so beautiful. She looks like an angel. I put my arms around her and layed back. I stroked her hair and watched it slip though my fingers. Soon I fell asleep and I dreamt about having a life with Sofia.

  When I woke up I smelled something burning. I jumped off the couch, wich made Sofia flig off the couch,and I looked in the kitchen.

"Ouch! Alex!" Uhoh. I looked at Sofia she hit face first onto the ground.

"Sorry, are you ok?" I helped her up and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why did you jump up like that?"

"I thought something was burning." Paco and Livia were in the kitchen. That explains it Paco is a lousy cook.

"Paco what did you burn this time?"

Paco put his hands up and said.

"Hey it wasn't me this time." Then he pointed at Livia. Her mouth dropped.

"Hey! You said you were watching them." She said. Sofia and I went into the kitchen to see the damage. There was a burned pancake on the stove.

"When did you guys wake up." Sofia said while yanning. She stretched and I could see her stomach.  I think she is trying to kill me.

"About an hour ago." Paco said. All four of us sat down and started eating breakfast.

"It's 7:00, you woke up at 6 on a Saturday?" Sofia asked. They both nodded and smiled at each other. Hmm.. I think there is something that there not telling us.

"Well it's the weekend ,we sould do something today." Livia said after putting her plate in the dishwasher.

"You want us to do something with you?" I asked Sofia. She shook her head yes . I was screaming with joy on the inside. I know really girly, but I can't help it.

"We should go to the pier." Sofia said. "We could go swiming!" Livia is way to exited to go to the beach. I chuckled.

"What I love swiming, come on Sofia lets go get our swim suits on." After that Livia dragged Sofia to her room.

Paco and I waited for the girls.

"Paco?" He looked at me.


"What's up with you and Livia." I want to know why they are so secretive.

"Oh nothin Livia and I kissed." What!

The girls came down, but O wanted to finish this conversation.


"La escuela." The girls were looking at us, so I'm going to continue this conversation later.

"Are you chicas ready?" Paco asked.

"Yep" they both said. We went out side.

"Livia ride with me and Sofia rides with you." Paco said and Livia got in the truck with Paco. When they drove off I went to my garage.  Sofia followed me, but backed up when she saw my motorcycle.


"Why do we have to ride that?" She pointed to the bike.

"Don't hate the bike." I said. She got closer , but didn't get on.

"Do you want to be late, I bet they're there already."

"I don't like bikes." Well then. I smirked and said

"Why not you'll get to snuggle up to me like you did last night." Uh oh angels getting mad.

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