What if Hinata and Naruto has another daughter aside from Himawari.
That has a tailed beast within her.
In the beginning both Hinata and Naruto are 17 years old.
Takes place at the end of Naruto Shippuden and in Boruto along with Boruto The Movie.
——————Y/N POV————— I get up and get ready, this is my outfit I decided to go with a modern outfit and save my ninja outfits for the exams.
What my outfit looks like (You can add the earrings, watch and pocket book if wanted. If not then just ignore them, also you can imagine it's a different color if you want.)
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I start packing because today we are leaving to go to the hidden leaf village. For the Chunin exams Garra says that we have to get there a day early so we can train for a bit even though I don't need it. I'm excited because I've been working on a few jutsus that Garra and Shinki don't know that I trained on. Once I get out of my room and set my bag on the couch, while I go and eat breakfast. After breakfast me, Garra and Shinki get our bags and leave for the hidden leaf village. We finally arrive it feels like it tools forever. I look at Garra and say "Can you please bring my bag to my room. I want to see what the village looks like." He says "Alright but be safe." I roll my eyes and jump up to a roof and jump from roof to roof. I stood and see a beautiful view.
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I breath in the fresh air up here. I think to myself this place is beautiful, I can't wait for the exams. I go to what looks like the training grounds. Then I head into the woods to see the wild life. Did I forget to mention animals like to be near me they will like to walk up to me and want me to pet them from a bird so a bear they like me. I see a bear with two Cubs behind it, I take out some berries and acorns from my jean pocket. I crouch down on my knees on the ground. The big bear that I assume is the mama bear, sees me and walk towards me cautiously, which I can understand. She starts eating out of my hand and turns to the Cubs which I think she's calling them over. They come over to me and eat out of my hand too. I smile and move my hand slowly to their heads and start petting their heads. They look up at me, I give them a kind and gentle smile. The Cubs walk up to me and start rubbing against me. I look at the mama bear she nods her head meaning it's fine. I say "Thank you for letting me pet you and your Cubs I appreciate it. I'll bring more acorns and berries in a few days alright?" She nods her head after a few minutes the Cubs walk back to their mom and leave. I smile and think that was so sweet, after that I get up and go to find the hotel that Garra told me that we staying at. As I'm walking to find the hotel, I notice that the village looks familiar. But I haven't been here before, maybe this place has something to do with my memory. As I'm walking I see a man with a black cape and long bangs. I think to myself "Isn't that guy gonna be hot wearing a black cape in the summer? Oh well." After a few minutes I think I'm close to the hotel. I see a little girl trip and land on the ground. I rush over to the little girl, I say "Are you ok?" She nods her head and looks at her knees and see scrapes on her knees. She starts to tear up, I say "Hey it's alright don't cry, let me heal you ok." She nods her head, I kiss the scrapes and they instantly heal the scrapes. I smile kindly at the girl and I say "See all better, nothing to worry about." The girl looks at me shocked and says "How did you do that?" I say "Well it was something I was born with. Anyway what's your name?" The girl smiles and says "My name Himawari, what's your name?" I say "My name is ..." I hear my watch beep meaning it's time to be at the hotel. I look at Himawari and say "Sorry I've gotta go, be safe. Hope I see you again." With that I rush off to the hotel. Once at the hotel I enter the room that Garra text me that I'm in. I see my bag on the bed, I get ready for bed. I put on pjs
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Then I hop into bed and go to sleep.
——————HIMAWARI POV———— After that nice girl helped me I made my way back home. I open the door and walk into the kitchen to see mom, I also see Boruto sitting at the kitchen table. I say "Mom, Boruto I'm home." Mom turns around and smiles at me, I start helping her make dinner. I notice that Boruto looks really down I wonder if has to do with dad. After dinner mom comes into my room to tuck me in. She says "So how was your day?" I say "Normal, but on the way home I tripped and a girl came over to me. She kissed my scrapes and they disappeared. I asked her how she did it she just said that it's one of her powers. She was really nice and pretty, I hope I see her again." Mom smiles and says "I wonder who it is." I say "I was about to get her name but she had to leave when she saw how late it was." Mom says "Well maybe you'll see her again." I smile and nod my head with that mom tucks me in and turns off my lights. Then she leaves, I think to myself "I've never seen that girl before. I wonder who she is, if she's from one of the other villages for the exams." I soon fall asleep, into a nice slumber.