Chapter 23: The Big Question

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Me and Daisuke have been together for 2 years now and I couldn't be happier. He makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world and he treats me like a queen. I was walking around the villege on my way to train chocho, Sarada and Himawari. I have started training them all after they asked me 2 years ago. So ever since I have been training them and helping them when they get stuck on a Jutsu. I have been considering becoming a teacher to be honest, Everything is perfect. Last year me and Daisuke moved in to our own apartment we are roommates, everything is perfect or so I thought.

Diasuke told me he wants to take me on a date tonight, I agreed so I have a few hours left until the date. So I decided to go and see Hima and Boruto, I head to mom and dads house. Once I arrive I see Hima in the front yard playing with her bunny, I smile and she sees me she rushes to me. I ask her where Boruto is she told me he on another mission again. I told Hima that I train her a bit today. 

                                                                       (DIASUKE POV)

I'm at the hokages off door, I knock on the door and hear the Hokage says "Come in."

I open the door and see him sitting at his desk with Shikamaru standing next to them they must've been talking. Hokage says "Do you need something Diasuke?"

I say "Um sir, I need to ask you something really important."

Naruto says "Alright ask away."

I take a deep breath and bow and say "I wish to marry Y/n if you will give me your blessing."

I don't hear anything I get up from bowing and see he looks speechless. I look at Shikamaru consered he says "Give him a minute he is trying to process what you said.'

Naruto snaps out of it and says "Daisuke look at me in the eye. Will you ever cheat on her? Will you hurt her emotionally or physically?"

I say "I will not ever cheat on her same with hurting her. I would never dream of it."

Naruto smiles and says "You have my blessing. Now go get her."

I smile and rush back to my apartment to get ready for our date that is a Suprise purposal. Few moments later I hear the front door open and y/n say "I'm home."

I smile, I go to greet her. She sees me and says "Oh no am I really that late oh no."

I couldn't help but chuckle, I say "Y/n you don't need to rush I just got ready right when I got home."

                                                          (Y/N POV/ TIME SKIP)

I get dressed into a good looking dress. (Dress is below)

Diasuke leads me out of the apartment and to restaurant that looks fancy

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Diasuke leads me out of the apartment and to restaurant that looks fancy. We take a seat outside, we get to see the beautiful night sky. We order our meals and we just talked. I see firework go off in the sky. Then there was a big firework but it spelled out "Marry Me Y/n?"

My eye widen then I look to Diasuke to see he is not in his chair across from me but he is on one knee infront of me hold a ring in a box. He smiles at me and says "Will you Y/n Uzamaki marry me and become Mrs Uchiha?"

I smile unable to hold back the smile, I nod my head and say "Yes, I will."



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After dinner we headed home, Diasuke says "Hey I have another surprise for you. Let's head to your parents house to tell them the news then we can go and see the Suprise."

We changed where were going so we went to my parents house, we open the door since it wasn't too late and I say "Hey mom, dad we got some news for you!"

We take our shoes off and head into the Livingroom and see dad and Diasukes parents wait where mom? Dad is smiling and looking at us and says "So what's the news?"

I say "Shouldn't mom be out here, I want to tell all of you."

I hear mom in the other room say "I'm coming just had to finish the dishes."

She rushes into the room and sits next to dad, I look at both my parents on one side of the couch and Diasukes parents on the other side. Me and Diasuke hold our hands and look at each other smiling and I nod my head at Diasuke. He says "I proposed and she said yes."

Both of our parents freaked out except Diasukes dad then again he doesn't show that much emotion which is fine. I just see him with a small smile on his face and he says "Congratulations both of you."

Sakura is jumping up and down and she says "Yeah our family is growing Yeah!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her, dad looks at us and smiles and nods his head. After we head home and get ready for bed. Then we let the happy memories of today go through our head while we drift off to sleep.

                                               (AUTHORS NOTE)

Word Count: 894

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