Chapter 17: Home

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----------------------Y/N POV----------------------------------------

Dad and Daisuke comes back, dad goes and stands next to mom.

Daisuke comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist. I whisper to Daisuke and say "So how did it go?"

Daisuke whispers back "Fine he just wanted to talk about the normal dads being protective and stuff about dating their daughters."
I chuckle and go back to speaking normal and say "Well I did just come back into everyones lives after being away and missing for 11 years so it's understandable."
He sighs and mumbles "yeah."

Dad comes over and says "It's getting late we should be going home. Y/n you can come back home with us if you like. Or not we don't want you to be uncomfortable."

I say "If your ok with me staying at your home then I'll gladly go I haven't seen the house in years."

Dad smiles and says "Alright. Let's head home."

Mom already left with Boruto and Himawari.

I nod my head and turn to Daisuke and give him a kiss on the cheek and I run to dad. I start walking away with dad and I see Daisukes face full on red like a tomato. I can't help but chuckle. Dad looks at me confused and I say "I kissed him on the cheek and now he's blushing like crazy."

Dad chuckles as well and says "I think you both are perfect for each other. Ever since you left Daisuke has been worried about you. After years of searching and no news on finding you. Daisuke was ready to take matters into his hands. When his father came back to visit a few years ago, Daisuke asked his father if he could go with him to search for you. Even though Daisuke is fully capable to look for you his father said no. As the years went on he still had hope you were alive. The ninja that we sent to search for you when they couldn't find you ,assumed you were dead. But me, your mother, Daisuke and Aunt Sakura knew that you were alive somewhere. Daisuke more then any of us, not a day went by that he didn't think of you. He loves you a lot more then you think."

A small smile makes a way to my lips, I say " I wish I didn't leave I missed so much. I missed seeing Boruto and Sarada grow up and I didn't even know about Himawari. I must be a horrible sister. I tried to come back to you all I tried but..."

Dad puts a hand on my shoulder and says "You lost your memories after slipping and hitting your head. That's not your fault if you didn't defend yourself against the ninja you could've been hurt more and taken. You did what you had to, look on the bright side your back home with your family and you have your memories back."

I say " thanks dad, I'm glad to be home."

I notice where we are and it's the same road the leads home. I say "Are we almost there? This road looks like our road where we lived."

Dad smiles and says "Yeah, ah here we are home sweet home."

I turn and see my home, my eyes sparkle and I say "It looks the same as back then."


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