Chapter 14: Who Are You?!

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———————Y/N POV————
I turn around to see a big man that is all light grey (Kinishiki) Me and Daisuke get into fighting positions, side by side.
Then in the corner of my eye I see a man with spiky blonde hair that looks familiar.
He was followed by a boy that looks like a mini him. I then bring my focus back to the man infront of me and Daisuke. Kinishiki punches the ground that causes the ground to shake like a earth quake. The force of punch causes everyone in the arena to be pushed back. Except for me and Daisuke and that's cause, Daisuke held me to his chest and turned away from the Jinishiki. So the force wouldn't send us back. I hear a crash a loud noise, I turn and see a pink hair lady punch the fallen rooft into the air. To stop it from falling on the citizens. Then I see Garra lifting up the other roofs with his sand so citizens can escape. I then see the man with spiky blonde hair tell the mini him to go to safety and the mini him refuses to listen. Me and Daisuke turn back to face the Kinishiki except now there is another grey person next to him (Momoshiki). I hear a big noise I quickly look behind me to see a roof of the arena almost fall on the girl that fought Shinki. But the men with long black hair quickly gets her and arrives in the aren with her in his arms. Then I see the black haired man come face to face with Kinishiki. Then I feel a swoosh of air and see Daisuke start fighting Kinishiki. I turn to face the Momoshiki, he looks at me with I smirk. I growl, then the blonde boy uses a ninja weapon on him. But he absorbs it in the palm of his hand. Momoshiki starts walking to the boy. I get infront of the, I start fighting him. He dodges them, I growl and use a fire jutsu on him. It hits him then he growls and lunges at me.
I glance behind me and see the man with blonde spiky hair take the mini him away.
I mentally sigh in relief that they don't have to get hurt. Momoshiki was about to attack me but stops and stays still like his paralyzed. I look down to see his shadow connect to another and see where it leads.
A man was doing a shadow jutsu on him I quickly go and check on the man with spiky blonde hair and the mini him. I glance at Daisuke and see he is helping the black haired man and girl.

——————Daisuke POV————
Kinishiki was about to hit me with his ax but stopped when it was gonna hit me. I see that Shikamaru stopped him with the shadow jutsu. I sigh in relief, I turn around and check on Sarada and dad. They were both alright, I look at y/n and see her checking on Naruto and Boruto. I wonder if y/n remembers them?
We move away from Kinishiki.
We go next to y/n, Naruto and Boruto.
I see dad and Naruto talking about something.
After me and Y/n made sure Sarada and Boruto are alright, dad and Naruto were about to fight. But me and y/n stop them and say "We are helping you both. Wether you like it or not."
Naruto and dad look at each other, then looked at us and nodded their heads.

——————3RD POV————
Just then Momoshiki uses his hand to absorb the shadows, so him and Kinishiki can move.
They start floating up into the the sky infront of y/n, Daisuke, Naruto,Sasuke, Boruto and Sarada hugh above the stadium.
Naruto demands "Who are you?!"
Kinishiki says "I am Kinishiki Ōtsutsuki and this is Lord Momoshiki Ōtsutuki."
Naruto says "What do you want from me?!"
Kinishiki says "We will turn the scattered chakara into one fruit and finish what kaguya failed to do on his seedbed."
Sasuke says " According to the scroll it was recorded that these guys would come and steal the fruit of the chakara. That's why Kaguya was amassing an army of white zetsu. First Kaguya and now this."
Y/n asks "What do they plan to do with the fruit?"
Sasuke says "They plan on making pills."
Naruto looked at Sasuke confused.
Naruto says "Pills?"
Sasuke says "Medicine."
Momoshiki says "As long as we have this, we will be internally young, immortal, invincible. You poor, inconvenient humans. Unless you trained and preserve senselessly you get nowhere."
Momoshiki lifts up a pull up and says "Watch this, with this one pill, I can instantly so easily with no effort obtain the power."
Naruto snaps and says "That's not real true power and you know it!"

————TIME SKIP (Y/N POV)———
The man with spiky blonde hair has a form like mine. He must have a Jinchuriki sealed in him too. He has a barrier surrounding us against the attack sent from Momoshiki and Kinishiki.
The black haired man created a armor like thing on the blonde man's Jinchuriki chakara.
But we get hit by a powerful attack that breaks the black haired mans armor on the Jinchuriki chakara form.
I see a huge a huge black orb that is coming towards us. It's gonna crush us I know what I have to do. I have to transform into my Kitsune chakara mode. I quickly change into my Kitsune chakara mode.

       (Y/n's Kitsune chakara mode)

I stand next to the blonde man, I help the blonde man try to protect everyone behind us

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I stand next to the blonde man, I help the blonde man try to protect everyone behind us.
I hear the blond man next to me look at the black haired man and say "Sasuke....Take care of all four of them."
The man known as Sasuke nods his head and says "Got it."
I look at the blond man and I say "I'm staying right here, I'm helping you. I can handle this, so I'm staying to help you."
He says "No your not, go with everyone else!"
I sternly say "No, I'm gonna protect everyone even if I die."
He sighs in defeat, and agrees for me to stay.
I see Sasuke get in front of Daisuke, black hair girl and blonde boy.
Sasuke creates a purple like shield to protect them.
I look at the blonde man and say "We have to use our chakara to creat a barrier around the stadium. So this doesn't destroy the village."
The man nods his head in agreement, we create a barrier covering the whole are stadium.
The black orb makes contact with the Jinchuriki chakara that creates a explosion.
I look behind me to see Daisuke trying to get to me but Sasuke won't let him go pass him. I let a tear leave my eyes and I say "I love you Daisuke."
I see the blonde man look at the mini him with a sad smile.
Then everything went black.

——————DAISUKE POV—————
I see y/n going to Naruto's side she transformed into her Kitsune chakara mode.
She looked more beautiful then ever. I mean she's like super beautiful in her human/ regular form. I snap out of my train of the light to see y/n and Naruto creat a barrier covering the whole stadium.
Y/n looks behind me gives me a sad smile, a tear leaves her eyes and she says "I Love You Daisuke."
With that everything goes white and I can't hear or see anything.

——————AUTHOR NOTE————
Word Count: 1,273

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