What if Hinata and Naruto has another daughter aside from Himawari.
That has a tailed beast within her.
In the beginning both Hinata and Naruto are 17 years old.
Takes place at the end of Naruto Shippuden and in Boruto along with Boruto The Movie.
I woke up stretching my arms and legs, I get up and get dressed. I think I'm going to need mom to help me get ready for the date I have no idea on what to wear. Oh god I'm so nervous, I make my way downstairs to the dinning room table. I see Hima sitting next to mom and Boruto seated next to me. I see no sight of dad, He's probably at his office I should help him with work again. They start talking and then mom looks at me and says "What about you Y/n what are you doing today?"
I say " Um well mom, I need help with something ."
Mom smiles and says "What do you need help with?"
I bite my lip and say "I'm going on a date with Daisuke and I don't know what to wear so I was wondering if maybe.."
Mom says "I'll help, I can have Sakura and Ino help they know a lot about fashion."
I say "But mom they are probably busy."
She shakes her head and says "No, Sakura has the day off today and Ino can join us because her husband Sai can look after the store they work the store side by side."
Mom sent me to get Sakura while mom was going to get Ino. I knock on the Uchiha's door Sakura opens the door she sees me and smiles. She says "Y/n what are you doing here?"
I say "Um well I need help picking an outfit for a date. You see Daisuke asked to bring me on a date and I don't know what to wear and I was thinking I could go shopping. Mom said that you Ino and her can help so I'm here to ask if you can help me."
She says "Of course, I was wondering when he was gonna ask you out on a date."
I blush in embarrassment and say "Anyway, will you please help me?"
She smiles and says "Of course Y/n, I'm so excited."
With that we leave her house and make our way to the center of the village to meet mom and Ino. Me and Sakura see them we walk to mom and Ino they start talking about stores to go and get my outfit. All three of them are excited, I find it funny how they were acting about this. After sometime we all make our way to the store mom picked and in there, well there wasn't much I don't think mom thought this through.
Then it was Inos turn and boy was she bragging about the place like we were going to a palace. We get there it was a descent store we found a few options but after trying a few on that didn't fit the whole date theme. It was finally Sakuras turn and I was happy because If I remember Sakura used to take me clothes shopping when I was little and always found amazing outfits for any occasion. She led us to a normal looking clothes store we walked in and I saw so many clothes that looked amazing.
I think all three of them noticed, me eyeing all of the clothing. Sakura smiled and Ino gave her a dirty look, Did they put a bet on who picked the best store for finding my outfit?
I couldn't help but smile at them acting childish, We start looking for outfits it took about an hour and still couldn't find one. Sakura found an outfit and told me to try it on I looked at for a minute before putting it on. It was comfortable I looked at myself in the mirror and I loved it and decide this is the one.
(Outfit Below along with hairstyle)
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