What if Hinata and Naruto has another daughter aside from Himawari.
That has a tailed beast within her.
In the beginning both Hinata and Naruto are 17 years old.
Takes place at the end of Naruto Shippuden and in Boruto along with Boruto The Movie.
(I might be wrong with the birth dates but just go along with it.) (Naruto and Hinata told y/n about Kurenai being sealed inside of her.) (After finding out about Kuramai y/n told Daisuke and he was fine with it. Y/n told him to keep a secret and not to tell anyone and also that Sakura already knows)
——————NARUTO POV——— Y/n and Daisuke are both 5 years old. Boruto and Sarada are now 6 months old. Ever since we brought Boruto home y/n has been helping us take care of him. Whenever he starts crying all she has to do is goes to him and calm him down. She even knows how to feed him and change him. Sakura gave birth to a baby girl a few days after Boruto was born. Sakura decided to name her Sarada, Sarada Uchiha. Y/n loves going over to Sakura's and helping her out with Sarada. Also spending time with Daisuke they have become best friends. Right now we are in the backyard watching y/n run around playing. Boruto is laying outside in his portable baby bed. Hinata is making a scarf on the open porch. I'm just sitting on the porch with my arm over her shoulder.
—————————Y/N POV————— I'm running around looking for something fun to do. When I turn around to see mama and dad I see Boruto laying in his portable crib with toys. I run over seeing as mama and daddy are talking. I go to Boruto and say "Hey Boruto do you wanna play peek a boo?" He nods his head, the first few time I did peek a boo he got scared and nervous because he thought I was gone. I say "Nice job Boruto!" He smiles, giggles. So cute. I hear mama and dad call us in for dinner. I pick up Boruto and run to the house. After dinner mama and dad are cleaning up the kitchen and dinning room table, while I get Boruto ready for bed. After brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed, I say "Bedtime story." I smile knowing that he means Story Please. I tell him stories I come up with. I sit in the rocking chair in his room with him in my lap and say "Ok but only one it's late." He nods his head. I think of a story real quick and tell him I say " Once in this village there used to be tailed beast. They would destroy the village and the villager would go after it. But the villagers never understood why the beast did this. So the ninja fought these beasts because they were scared of it. The villagers were scared because they didn't understand it. But then one day one of the ninja did not listen to rules and went against orders and said "We don't have to attack it we should learn why it wants to attack the village instead of hurting it. We could better understand it and maybe reason with it." But the ninja called her weird and would say how you are suppose to listen to orders and not question them. Every ninja ignored her from then on. After that when the ninja were to attack the beast next she snook to see it. To communicate with it to learn that it was misunderstood and confused. She was there to calm the tailed beast down. From then on she would be with the tailed beast and they would talk back and forth through the mind jutsu. As time went on the war with the beast ended as it left the village but the woman still would visit it in its new home in a cave. She eventually had children who also understood the beast and would protect it from harms way. So from then on every generation would look after the beast and care for it. And everyone lived happily ever after The End." I looked at Boruto and noticed he was sleeping on my shoulder cuddled up to me shoulder. I smiled and picked him up and tucked him into bed and kissed his forehead and said "Goodnight Boruto." With that I closed the door and left his room going to check on mama and dad. I see them cleaning the kitchen and dining room table from dinner. So I stepped in to help them speed it up for them to go and get some good night sleep. I told them "I'll take care of the rest mommy and daddy. You need your rest don't worry, all that's left is to wash the dishes and wipe down the counter." Mom says "Y/n are you sure? We can finish" I shake my head and say "I'm sure. I can take care of the rest, now you both go get ready to go to sleep." Mom smiles and says "Ok but if you need help, you know where to find us." Her and daddy left to get ready for bed. After I cleaned the kitchen, dining room table and washed the dishes. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, got into my pj's. I go to my room after I shut off all of the light in the living room, dining room, kitchen and etc. This is what my room looks like and what is my favorite stuffed animal.
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It's pretty cool I love it, here are my pjs
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I get into bed and think to myself tomorrow I have school.
——————— ????? POV—————— The lights are all turned off, now to find where the daughter is. I Already know that she is 4 years old, has long straight Black hair and blue eyes. I get inside the house i look into the first bedroom. I see a king size bed and two people in the bed sleeping. Ok next room I open it to see little bed with a little girl with long straight black hair. Found her, now time to take her. I carefully walk over to her not to make any noise. She rolls over and I put a sleeping jutsu on incase she wakes up. I pick her up and carry her bridal style. I jump from roof to roof, to leave this place behind. It's along way back I might end up stopping to rest. It takes like 2 days to get back. I look down at the child in my arms and think to myself. This child will change everything.
——————AUTHOR NOTE——- Word count:1,145 Sorry I'm late with this chapter I've been super busy. Also you guys wanted me to update my Y/n Uchiha story. If you haven't read Y/n Uchiha I would recommend to go check it out. Next chapter will be out in a few days. Hope you guys like the story so far.