Personifyyous dare

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Ninja: uh-

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Ninja: uh-

Bro: to have a child we need to do the naughty

Ninja: n-no

Bro: are you scared of a little spice?

Ninja: oh shit

Mr cheese: they have learned the way

A couple months later

Bro: it didn't do anything

Ninja: yea, because we're both guys, we can't get pregnant

Bro: then how did mr cheese-

Ninja: mr cheese is mr cheese, he can do anything

Bro: well, then...let's try again~

Ninja: no, we're just gonna have to adopt

Bro: fine..
Bro: so I got this child

Ninja: awe, they're cute

Bro: is this out child now?

Ninja: yup

Bro: wait, we need to name them-

Ninja: uhh

Bro, please stop being horny

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