Sareirias dare

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The gentleman: hey mr cheese

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The gentleman: hey mr cheese

Mr cheese: hm?

The gentleman: ara ara

Mr cheese: no, you have to be more-

The gentleman: ara ara~

Mr cheese: *nosebleed*

Captain: I want to be a beautiful unicorn princess!

Veteran: no, me!

Player: and nobody's mentioning the fact that stoner and captain have a child?

Engineer: you can't evolve into a completely different species like that, it would take millions of years-

Gnome: shut up

The gentleman: wait I don't get it

Mr cheese: that's why kids, you don't take drugs-
Player: can you pass that to veteran?

Noob:...*slowly passes it to veteran*

Veteran: *gay panic*

Mr egg: a beautiful egg!

Mr cheese: *gets his chainsaw out*

Sorry for that little mistake sareiria

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