♤Part 2- Friends♤

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After the lunch both of them continued their left out work.

Now it was 5 PM.

Preeta closed her laptop and went outside the office.

Their was a coffee shop in front of the office.

Preeta: yar im frekin tired lets have a coffee.

Then she went inside the cafe. Their her eyes went on karan who was sitting their with some clients.

Preeta just sees him and went to make her order.

She was waiting for her order from las 10-15 min.

Till then karan's meeting also got over.

Karan sees preeta and found her waiting for her order.

Karan (in mind): preeta. Should i go and talk to her? No no. If i do so what will she think about me. Oh god lakin usse agar dur se dekhta raha to I'll lose my control. Office mein bhale hi kaam k silsele mein baat hoti hai lakin hoti to hai na. Yaha to vo bhi nahi ho sakta......mmm aisa karta let's jus admire her for sometime.

Then he did what he thinks.

He was admiring her.

Just a girl came to him.

Girl: hi.

Karan without seeing her

Karan: hi.

Girl: may i sit here.

Karan(none interested): hmm

Then that girl sits beside him with a bit of chipku feeling.

Karan was admiring preeta.

Then that girl puts her hand on karan's thigh.

Karan came to his senses and jerks her hand and stands from his seat.

Karan: what the hell are you doing.

Girl: don't you like it baby.

Karan: excuse me miss whatever just be in your limits.

Girl: i love to cross my limits handsome.

Karan: excuse me. I think you are out of your mind just stay away. Or else

Girl: or else...

Karan: or else I'll slap you.

Girl: ok then slap me. Coz i want you to touch me.

Karan made disgusted face.

Girl: what happen baby slap me come...come na

Saying this she started moving towards karan.

Karan was taking a back.

After after some time he was pinned to the wall and in fron of him that girl was standing and smirking.

She went more closer to him and was about to touch his face but a tight slap landed on her face.

Girl puts her hand on her cheek.

Girl: what the hell?

Karan was shocked to see that person and the girl was glaring her with anger.

Karan (mummers): p..preeta.

Preeta: sharam aani chahiye tumhe tum jesi ladkiyon ki vajah se yeh hum jesi ladkiyon ko gandi nazron se dekh jaata hai.

Girl: who the hell are you?

Preeta: thats not important. Important is that you are bloody touching a man without his permission.

Girl: oh hello. Why the hell are you reacting too much. Are you his friend or girlfriend. Hnn tell me.

Preeta: I'm not his girlfriend nor his friend but I'm a girl.

Girl: oh come on.

Preeta: just stop showing your this bloddy attitude or elsi im gonna slap you one more time.

Girl(scared but gathering some courage): a..are you th..threatening me.

Preeta: what ever you wanna think you can and for now just get the fuck out of here.

Girl got scared and left from their.

Karan was lost in Preeta's attitude and admiring her lovingly.

Preeta sees him

Preeta: are you ok sir.

No response.

Preeta: sir are you ok.

Still no response so she snapped her finger in front of him which made him came to his senses from his trance.

Preeta: are you fine.

Karan: yes. And thank you preeta.

Preeta widens her eyes.

Karan got confused.

Karan: what happen.

Preeta: what did you just said.

Karan: that I'm ok

Preeta: after that

Karan: thank you preeta.

Listening this preeta acts to faint but karan holds her.

Karan: what happen.

Preeta: for the first time you took my name sir. Have you realised that.

Karan realised that

Karan: a..a...ab...b...vo i..I'm s..sorry miss arora.

Preeta: no sir. You should say preta only coz it suits more on your mouth.

Karan smiles.

Preeta again widens her eyes.

Karan: now what?

Preeta: i think you want me to die.

Karan raised his eyebrow

Preeta: arre you smiled

Karan again realised and smiles again.

Preeta also smiles seeing him.

Karan: ok so i think i should give one more shock to you.

Preeta: like what?

Karan: i mean let's just be friends.

Preeta acts like she's dead.

Karan: don't over react I'm also a human and i think i also deserves to make friends.

Preeta smiled and forwards her hand to him.

Preeta: friends

Karan smilingly holds her hand.

Preeta: friends.

Both of them smiles.

Karan: so now on that note lets have a coffe to celebrate or friendship.

Preeta smilingly nods.

Then both of them had their coffee and karan droped preeta at her apartment.

To be continued

Hope you like it guys

Spare me for my mistakes

Signing off


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