♤Part 15- Sana's entry♤

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Aayush: baat yeh hai ki kal sana aa rahi hai.

Preeta shouts in happiness.

Preeta: kya?

Aayush: haan.

then both of them started dancing happily.

Karan chuckles seeing voth of them.

After their dinner they went towards their room and slept.


Next morning.

In karan's room.

he wakes up early in the morning and went for jogging.

In preeta's room.

She also wakes up did some yoga and all and went to do her daily routin.
After sometime preeta got ready and came downstairs.

Her eyes went on a girl standing on front door.

Her eyes glittered with happiness.

The girl run towards preeta.

She was going towards her but suddenly her leg slipped.

She was about to fall but two stong arms holds her by waist.

The girl closed her eyes in fear.

Feeling no pain she opened her eyes only to see a handsome and hot guy holding her.

The guy was TKL.

He made her stand properly.

Karan: are you fine.

Girl nods.

Karan smiles and was about to go from their but stopes listening girl.

Girl: mmmmm your name.

Karan turns and smiles.

Karan: karan...karan luthra.

Girl smiles back.

Karan: n yours

Girl: Sana.

So the girl is none other then Sana Sharma

So the girl is none other then Sana Sharma

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Karan: aa. If I'm not wrong your aayush and preeta’s sis right.

Sana nods with a smile on her face.

Karan shakes hands with her.

Karan: nice to meet you.

Sana: same here.

Preeta was seeing both of them from a distance.

He blood was boiling like a volcano.🔥

Both(karan and sana) of them bid bye and kara was about to go past preeta but stops listening her.

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