The League Of Villains

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Katsuki had seen the news on his favorite hero. He had heard of the villain who had escaped and how heroes went searching for him while All Might was in a hospital. He Had gone to the square of the hospital with his mom to bring a letter he had written to his hero. There were many people in the front of the hospital. Most of them wearing an All Might costume and had flowers with them. Katsuki thought it all was unnecessary. He knows it is the number 1 hero. But he isn't dead for fuck sake. He will be capturing this villains soon enough. And if All Might didn't do it, he was going to. Because he was going to be the number 1. Even though he still was years away from high school. It was his dream to become the best hero ever. Especially since Izuku went missing 3 years ago.

He was still thinking about it. The Deku was in the middle of a fight between heroes and villains. Taking his stupid notes. Bakugo was there when it happened. Izuku got wounded badly and when he went to the hospital in an ambulance, he just vanished. Katsuki had lost one of his best friends that day. When he got to know about it, he had cried for weeks. He even needed to see a psychiatrist. Katsuki did better now, but was still thinking about it a lot. It changed him. He was even more stubborn and hotheaded. Nobody was like Deku. And he didn't want anyone else to replace his childhood friend.


"Darkness will consume you"

"You will be everything I ever want"

"You will change society"

"You will be powerful"

"Please remember who you are!"

"I love you so much"

"Don't lose hope!"

"Be your own light"

"Save the world and do what's right!"


Maru woke up confused. He heard voices in his dream. The first one was a male. It sounded like Sensei. The second one was a female voice. It sounded sweet. Maru didn't recognize the voice. But what did the voices mean? They were exactly the opposite of each other. It was as weird as the other dreams he has had over the past years.

After the battle, it took Maru 2 weeks to wake up. Doctors had said he was in a coma because of overusing his quirk. The state sensei was in was worse. Doctors had ben operating on him a lot. His eyes and nose were gone. His skin was all messed up and his head was one big mix of scars. He hasn't woken up yet. Maru had heard the news about the hero Sensei was fighting. The hero was in a bad condition too. This made Maru happy. At least Sensei did a good hit on the hero too. All Might. The one who deserves to die for hurting Sensei.

Maru had made killing All Might his goal. He trained harder than he ever did. Now he was allowed to use his quirks more, he trained them too.

Outside training he didn't have much interactions with people. He avoided large groups especially. Asami wasn't with him anymore. She was reassigned to another patient. They didn't tell Maru exactly but he knew she wasn't coming back. His new caretaker wasn't nice. The man insulted him a lot, calling him useless and a mistake most of the time. He often got electrified by the man, alsway with a grin on his face. He haven't even seen Toga since their first interaction. But he had no time to think about all of it.

Years flew by. Sensei had woken up a month after Maru woke up. He now had a creepy suit. Maru was scared of his look first but grew in to it. Sensei was mostly in one lab, he needed the help of hospital devices to keep himself alive. Sometime he asked Maru to use his power on him so he could feel better. Maru was glad to help him. In turn, Sensei had helped him. He shared information with the boy on missions he send people on and Maru helped him planning things.

Maru was 12 years now. Sensei had told him that he was going to another location. He was going to get out of the labs. It made him happy. He heard he was going to stay with Kurogiri. Kurogiri was so nice. He cared for Maru like Asami did. He was really looking forward to the new location. It was a small part of the whole organization. They called themselves the League of Villains. Their leader was still young and need to learn a lot. But Sensei told Maru that leader was going to be his successor. Maru didn't exactly know what he meant by it, but he wasn't allowed to ask about it.

He stepped in to the room his sensei was in, ready to go. Kurogiri was already in the room waiting for the boy.

"Are you ready to go?" Kurogiri asked

Maru nodded. He had his chalkboard in his hands.

"Maru. I need you to listen to Kurogiri and Tomura. Do you understand?" Sensei asked

{Yes Sensei. I will behave}

"Good boy"

Sensei gave Maru a smile. Maru smiled back at him. You can see he was nervous. How was his new master going to be? Where are they going to live?

Kurogiri extended his hand and Maru took it. He turned around to wave at his master. Just like it was the first time he met him. But now Maru was leaving trough the portal.

The other side of the portal was a bar. It was empty and not that clean. On one of the stools, a boy was sitting. It was the boy with the light blue hair. His skin and mouth were dry. It was like he never heard of caring products. The boy was looking with a bored face at the people coming in. Kurogiri began to speak.

"Maru this is Tomura Shigaraki. Leader of the League of Villains"

Maru began to write on his board.

{Hello mister Tomura}

The boy tsked and looked like he was very uninterested.

"Kurogiri, what the fuck do we need with a Nomu brat like him. He can't even speak"

Maru wrote something on his board again and looked at Kurogiri.

{What is a Nomu?}

"You're not. But Nomu's are the beasts you have seen in the labs. Tomura. Have some respect for the masters second son"

Shigaraki looked at Maru with anger. He didn't like the younger boy. Why would his father have a second son. Wasn't he good enough? He was going to be his successor for fuck sake. He was the main player of the game. Being the number one villain when time comes.

He needed to get his anger out. So he walked to the younger boy. He grabbed the boys upper arm with 5 fingers. The arm started to decay slowly. His other hand went in a fist and swung at the boy. Maru looked at him with wide eyes. Tears started peaking in the corners of his eyes. Kurogiri stopped Shigaraki from hurting the boy, pushing him away.

"Stop it, Tomura" he said firm.

Kurogiri knew how Shigaraki is. He didn't need another boy to babysit at first. But Sensei told him Maru would behave more and was good in following orders.

Tomura tsked again and walked away.

Kurogiri comforted Maru and asked him to follow him to his room. Luckily for Maru, he could heal himself. But the decaying left some scars on his arm. He didn't like this Tomura. Why was he so mean. He didn't even know him. Did Maru do something wrong?

It was like Kurogiri could read his mind.

"Don't worry about Tomura. He is just jealous. He wants to be the most powerful villain ever and he don't want to lose to other people"

Maru looked confused at the man. But he didn't want to ask about it. He didn't want to go near the boy anymore. Kurogiri left the room and Maru curled in to a ball, crying a little. He was like this until he fell asleep.

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