(50) Clouds of distress

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Valentina's POV:

"Get Louis, Rafael", Ava almost whispered as they were wheeling her inside.

"I will Aunt Ava. Don't worry. You'll be okay", Rafael whispered while holding her hand all covered in blood.

They wheeled her inside and Rafael was stopped from coming in by one of our doctors but Rafael wasn't having it.

"No I'm coming in", Rafael adamantly said irritated.

He was trying to push past the doctor when Ryder came to stop him with a worried look on his face. Rafael angrily almost punched Ryder but Ales caught him before he could.

Ben whispered something to the doctor immediately at that moment while coming and standing in between Rafael and Ryder.

The doctor nods frantically and ran inside the room. Ryder sighs and left as well, not wanting to intrude or something I guess.

"Raf calm down. You know you can't go in. Let them get treated", Ales said in a soothing voice holding Rafael tight from behind.

Ben put his hand on Rafael's shoulder standing in front of him. It took a minute for Rafael to stop fuming but the moment he stopped fuming he broke down.

Ales and Ben barely managed to hold him as he almost fell down crying. I almost took a step forward seeing him. My brothers sat him down on the bench near by.

Rafael started pouring like there was no tomorrow. I've never seen him like this. All the Dons have a very strong heart and controlled emotions but I've noticed they can't do that anymore when it comes to family and it's okay seeing even they're humans.

"Raf", Ben said sadly putting his hand on his shoulder from one side while Ales from other. They both just sat down next to him.

"I-I just found them guys. M-My sister and mother like figure Aunt A-Ava", Rafael choked a loud sob putting his hands on his face.

"I just got them back. I-I can't lose them. No please", Rafael cried.

I turned away feeling my tears well up. I look up and saw Matteo standing in the corner with his shirt covered in blood like me. He was just leaning in the corner looking down with no expression.

I was going to walk towards him when I heard shouts. We all turn and look at the direction the shout came from even Matteo.

I saw Savannah, Louis and Ricardo running towards us with worried faces.

Savannah was coming to me probably to ask what happened when she noticed her twin. She froze seeing Rafael. Like literally froze. Louis came from behind giving a confused look to his daughter first and then seeing Rafael.

His eyes went wide. Rafael was crying when we all know it's not easy to make the strongest ones of the family cry.

Louis with a now scared expression took a step forward towards his son and crouched down in front of him. Rafael did not make eye contact with any of them and only looked down though.

Louis looked at Ales and Ben. Those two looked down with a sad expression. Louis turned to Rafael again.

"Rafael? What happened? You called us to the hospital saying it's an emergency. What's going on?", Louis asked slowly and carefully.

Few tears left Rafael's eye.

"Rafael Diaz. Speak up please. You're scaring us", Ricardo said impatiently.

"M-Mady and A-Aunt Ava were shot and attacked", Rafael sniffs finally looking up at his father.

Savannah gasps with her hand on her mouth finally showing some reaction.

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