Bonus (3)

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This bonus chapter is about Sav's pregnancy (reactions)

Also, two bonus chapters are updated in the first book as well. At first there were no bonus chapters there, but now I have posted.

Check them out! ✨

Savannah's POV:

God I feel awful.

Right now I'm bent over a toilet seat puking my guts out.

Once I'm done I flush the lot and rinse my mouth and splash water on my face. I sigh and think about this being my second time puking out of nowhere.

I've been feeling weird since three days now and I don't know what is it. I haven't said anything to anyone because I don't want to worry them.

"Hey Sav. You okay? You've been in there for a long time", I heard Claire's voice from outside the bathroom.

I remember we both were gonna hang out today.

I wipe my face and open the door and saw her standing there. Once she saw me she was immediately concerned.

"Oh god are you okay? You look a bit pale and weak", Claire said concerned.

I walk to the bed and sat down. She kneeled down in front of me

"I don't know Claire. I just puked. I don't feel okay", I groan rubbing my face.

"How long is this been happening? Did you eat something which is maybe not agreeing with your stomach?", Claire asked putting her hand on my head and checking the temperature.

"No. It's been happening since three days. I've been eating normal stuff only. I don't know. Infact I eat everything we make at home because I can't bear smell of certain dishes", I grimaced.

Claire nods sadly in understanding.

"Did you tell Ales?", She asked curiously.

I shake my head no. She frowned.

"Sav you should. Also consult Elijah as well. He can check you up. You surely need a doctor's help", Claire said worried.

"I guess you're right. Now I certainly think I should talk to them", I nod.

Claire nods.

I suddenly felt nauseous and I layed down immediately.

"Hey what happened?", Claire immediately asked worried.

"I feel lightheaded Claire. God I don't know what's going on! Past three days I've been nauseous, cramping a bit, can't bear the smell of certain dishes", I grit my teeth in frustration.

Claire looked at me surprised. Maybe because I suddenly got pissed.

I groan and close my eyes and sigh. She massaged my head to help ease the uncomfortableness

"Um when was the last time you had your periods babe?", Claire asked softly.

I open my eyes and looked at her curiously. She was looking at me expectantly.

"Um I think..wait I missed my last period and I still haven't had mine for this month", I slowly said remembering.

Claire's eyes went wide and slowly a smile formed on her face.

"What?", I asked curiously.

"Um Sav I think you might be pregnant?", She said hopefully.

My eyes went wide and I immediately sit straight. Then felt the head rush and I wince a bit.

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