(22) The Cobras

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Valentina's POV:

"What the fuck just happened?", I ask in shock

"We should ask you the same", Iris said bewildered

"Well we asked first", Micheal said adamantly

Kai, Ethan, Iris and Liam look at us and then at each other nervously. Liam was gonna speak when we heard tyres screeching noise.

We all turn and look at a car coming towards us at a speed. The car came at a stop with a screeching sound before us.

Micheal, Ryan Stacy and I looked at the car in a curious manner while Kai, Ethan, Iris and Liam looked at it knowingly.

A man rushed out of the car along with some more men. The man frantically ran towards us with a worried expression.

"Kai! Liam! Ethan! Iris! Are you guys okay?", The man said checking them.

"We're fine boss", Liam said softly

The others nodded.


I looked at Micheal, Ryan and Stacy and even they were surprised.

That man still checked the four for any injuries even after Liam said they're fine.

"We're really fine Dad", Kai smiled.

My eyes went wide.


Micheal, Ryan and Stacy looked equally shocked and caught off guard.

"Thank god. I was worried about you four when you didn't come home fast as I asked you to when I texted you", Kai's father said

Then Kai's father turned and saw us. He looked at us as if he knew the four of us.

"Dad these are my frie- ", Kai spoke but was interrupted by his father.

"I know. Micheal, Ryan, Stacy and Valentina", Kai's father said pointing at each of us smiling.

We were shocked. We've never met him before. Even our friends and Kai were shocked.

"I'm Derek Parker. Kai's father", Derek introduced himself.

"Hello sir", Micheal smiled.

"Boss how do you know them?", Ethan asked curiously

"Well first of all you guys always talk about your squad and friends so I found out about Ryan and Stacy that way, but who doesn't know the mafia princess of the American mafia, Valentina Costello and the mafia prince of the Spanish mafia, Micheal Diaz", Derek said looking at us.

Ryan and Stacy gasped. Micheal and I froze at our place.

How does he know about us?!

Iris, Ethan, Liam and Kai were getting the shock of their life.

"What?!", Kai said in disbelief

"Mafia what?", Ethan frowned

"Prince? Princess?", Liam asked astonished

"American and Spanish mafia?", Iris almost screams.

"Yeah", Derek sighs

My friends look at us in shock. We were also looking at them in shock. Honestly it would have been really funny seeing our expressions if it wasn't this situation.

"How do you know about us?", I ask seriously

"In my line of business we need to know everything", Derek said softly

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