3| His Plan

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"Okay, now let go over the things one more time honey," said Henry's mom,

Henry was looking absolutely okay, now. That slick trick always gave away a different interpretation of what he actually felt. It was like, he could put on this mask and hide all his emotions and for the current scenario it seems to be work pretty well.

"Now, foods in the frigid and you just need to take it out and put it in the oven, heat it only for 20 minutes not more and don't try to meddle with the setting, I have set it perfectly and your everyday clothes are going in the bin as usual, keep the key to house with all the time and I'll be checking on you for time-to-time and of course if there is any problem you call us right away and if its and emergency you run to Mrs. Judge's house and she'll take care of it."

Henry only heard things partly but nodded. He took their suitcases to the cab and soon they were ready to go.

"I love baby, we'll be home soon. You just keep doing your studies okay?" his mother asked,

"Uh-huh" replied Henry,

And they were gone, Henry could feel the excitement rise in him. He thought, now the house is mine.

He went back inside and grabbed his phone and dialed Emily, it rang for good 10 minute, but no one picked up. His growing impatience could be noticed by his pacing of the hall. He walked and walked around in circles like a cat chasing its tail and called Emily, but she didn't pick up. He began to sit down and pull his hair back again and again, but nothing seemed to be working, he rubbed his hands together but nothing. His chest began to feel hollow like his heart was stopping, he could feel his legs starting to ache near the calf muscles. He went to bathroom and came back, he was starting to feel jumpy, so he began to set his hair back and as he did it, there came two-three strands of hair in his hand. Finally something hit him. He pocketed his phone and grabbed his house key and dashed out of the door. He slammed the door behind him and outside. People were inside their house sleeping, playing, talking. Doing all the shit he couldn't do because fucking Jeremy had destroyed everything. Everything.

He walked on the sidewalk, he was on upper Chandler street. There was a stretch of rowhouses which connected to another city. Samfield was one of the few towns which had lost its attraction because Bangor Maine, the city besides, it had found a source of attraction to it. They said that some big person was born there, and people travelled past Samfield like a stop-by station. The town was divided in roughly two parts, the lower Samfield and upper Samfield, Henry lived on the upper part of the Chandler street, this street divided the upper and the lower Samfield. The upper street was nothing but rowhouses and a straight path to Maine, the lower part had a big statue of a man and a dog at the center of the town. This was kind of useless thing, but people often sat beside it in winter and talk. There were haircut shops, spas and all kinds of makeup shops, some medical stores and handful of bookstores, two to be precise, and there was one market at somewhere in the entrance of lower Samfield, many people living in the upper part often went to Maine because they had markets nearer. There were two schools in the town, one was on the left of the big statue and other was near the market at the entrance. For financial reason Henry went to the far school. He hated to walk far away but the other school had an incident which made it a myth, news spread that there was a child lying dead in one of the bathrooms of the school, they caught the offender, and it was the bus conductor. Ever since that school has not seen much of attention.

Henry reached the lower Chandler street and noticed the big statue, it was kind of a funny statue, this big guy was supposed to be their mayor way before its downfall. He had built gardens and provided clean roads and lesser crime rates in the town. Some said the town flourished under him and hence the statue.

He took a right from the statue, he thought of going over to the park and sit there, spend some time organizing his thoughts before he did anything stupid. There was a line of fast-food chains here, but he didn't have any money, so he shifted away the thought of taking a bite. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and walked to the park. The sun was going down, turning yellow, red, melting like a dallop of ice-cream on the cone, spreading its colors like strings of thread from a yarn. People walked past him, some holding hands, others holding their things. He reached the park and went inside, nobody had arrived yet, it was empty. He chose a seat and sat down and let out a sigh. Then closed his eyes, he could picture him and Jeremy laughing together with their hands over each other's shoulders. The three of them sitting in this very park having candies and before that eating burgers and pizzas.

"You know what, I think Kalisha's got a crush on you." Emily had said sometime when they met,

"Like I wanna go for that," replied Jeremy.

They laughed,

"Man, this year was the best I tell ya." Henry piped in.

"Hey, we got one more year together." Said Emily, she grabbed his hand and looked in Henry's eyes. Henry felt his body becoming an electric conductor.

Henry opened his eyes, he wished he could have them back as they were, but something was not right about it, Jeremy and Emily weren't made for each other. There was a mistake. There was a rise in his anger, but he shoved deep. No anger was not a solution, he thought, I need to explain it to Jeremy but how?

There was a shout, Henry turned behind and there were five big guys shoving themselves in McDonald's and one of the guys just pushed an old lady. The shout was hers. He recognized one of the guys, his name was Andrew, he was a year older than Henry, but he was a friend of his too. Henry turned back and looked at the sunset. I have to do something, something now. Fast.

Then a plan hit him.

He smiled to himself, it stretched on his face and his eyes glistening. He got up and walked out of the park into the McDonalds. There were people inside it, talking and laughing. The big boys sat in the close corner also laughing. He went towards them,

"I need you to kill someone." said Henry.

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Coming up next:- The inasnity inside Henry reaches its peak when he is sees a dreaded scene.

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