4| The dreaded scene

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All the five boys stopped laughing and looked at Henry, he flushed. Not because they were looking at him but because he had said something he never thought of saying. Hurt! The word was Hurt, goddamit.

Andrew got up and said, "This is Henry, he helped me with the answers in Miss McKenny's exam," Henry nodded, then Andrew pulled him to a side.

"What are you doing?" he asked,

"I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to say it I only meant-"

"I don't care, Henry these are bad people you know." Andrew looked at him.

"I know, but I only meant hurt," said Henry,

"Whom?" asked Andrew, he was taller than Henry.

"Let me talk to them." Said Henry, he tried walking past Andrew, but he pulled his sleeve.

"Listen, these people will do whatever gives them money but you gotta know that it's not good. I only came with them so that ... well so that I can make friends with them and don't get knifed or somethin'," said Andrew.

"You introduce me but make it quick I don't have time." said Henry with a confident look.

More people started entering the place.

Andrew pulled Henry and plopped him beside.

"This lil' guy want your help." He spoke with a big fat guy, his head was shaved, and he had a tattooed arm. Henry could smell cigarettes.

"Rodrick." said the person.

For a minute, Henry couldn't grasp the fact that he was talking to someone only two years older than him. Roddy's voice was more like a mafia boss negotiating a bomb blast. His face was a mixture of pimples and scars. He had a slightly swollen eye, and his eyebrows were like two sharp swords fighting with each other. A faint scratchy looking beard. He had his hands in front of him, the white tank top smelled of beer and candies also with a strong smell of sweat. Henry wanted to throw up after smelling the odd mix of smells. But he screwed his face and tried to look serious.

"H-Hello Rodrick," tried Henry, Rodrick nodded and one of his boys, who looked a crazy version of Jim Carrey, got up and went to the order station. The sunlight gleamed on the road, there were people now and more and more hands-in-hands couple started appearing. Henry felt a sudden click in his head as if something just pieced into his mind. He brushed his hairs back and a sudden affirmation gave him the nod to execute his plan.

"Call me Roddy," said the hulk-like person.

Henry gulped and tried to make his best out of himself.

"Well, I got this problem with a guy. He is... r-roaming around with my girl, my friend and I'd like to teach him a lesson." Henry took a deep breath after finishing his sentence.

Roddy and one of goons looked at Henry for some time and started laughing. Henry looked puzzled but tried to laugh too.

"You doan need to be afraid o' me brother. I heard about ya, is'okay man. Cool." Said Roddy,

Henry nodded in agreement but that wasn't the problem, he wasn't afraid of Roddy because he could get Henry in trouble, it wasn't even about being afraid of Roddy. It was something with him, his plan. The click that had happened moments before was, in a way, a warning, from his mind. He had never planned anything brutal. He was diplomatic not a bully, his perspective saw violence through words but something in him had shown him this vision, about beating the shit out of Jeremy and then how Jeremy would become afraid and leave Emily.

He had resisted the idea instantly, this was something normal for him to think of but abnormal to act on. Could he really pull it off? What if Emily likes Jeremy even more? These sets of question immediately retaliated to that vision of his but somehow, somewhere, in his mind he thought about trying it out. What could go wrong? Emily wouldn't know about who did it. It's safe. On that note he had walked into McDonalds but when he had said it, the words...

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