8| Fracture point

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He gasped for air loudly, then looked at Roddy and his team. He got them moving,

"Apply the oil on the second matchstick on the door and make a trail leading here," He pointed at the blackboard, there he placed a can full of petrol then they made a trail from that point to the other end of the class again placed a can and so on until they covered all the corners and their midpoints.

"Now we have to arrange the benches." Henry said, so they moved the benches closer to the cans on the midpoint of each corner.

Roddy was starting to get worried, that look on Henry's face, pure evil and almost demonic was scaring him making him shiver. He really thought about abandoning Henry and running away what could he do after all, he was just a puny little boy. But the money was also big, so he waited on his decision.

Finally, Henry was done. He looked pleased with himself, but the aftermath image made his achievement worse. He balled his fist.

Then went back to Emily and stood over her.

"What about lighting this bitch on fire..." Roddy sniggered along with his pals,

Henry turned behind and grabbed Roddy by his shoulders and lifted him off the ground and then with a loud grunt he threw him over the benches. There were several cracks of wood and the steel snapped as Rodrick fell on benches. Henry came towards Roddy, Roddy was shivering completely, his pals had run away just as Henry had lifted Roddy.

"Get out, NOW!" Henry yelled, Roddy pushed him aside now completely sure that Henry was indeed a demon on earth. No money mattered to him now, he ran away.

Henry placed his poem in Emily's hands and went out to put a sign outside.

An hour passed, Henry was shaking violently, he sat down. He was getting tired, the questions kept hitting him asking him if he could do it.

Can you do it?

For the first time his mother's voice spoke to him in his mind, Henry stood stunned. His heart was on the verge of breaking,

Can you do it son?

She spoke with the gentlest voice he had ever heard, Henry fell down. He got up and tried to put it out and shut the electricity. Most part of the school went dark and in the dark Henry grabbed his head, stuttered cries left his body. His innocence oozing out of the mask making him look like a 5-year-old boy who broke his mom's favorite vase.

Can you do it? His father spoke, he was not mad to him in the head, he looked perfectly okay, as if they just wanted to know, they wouldn't stop him but could he do it?

Can you do it? Can you do it? Can you do it? Both of them urged inside his head, he tried to remain silent.

Can you do it?

He cried loudly, he couldn't do it but he could too. He had the balls, he had the strength but he didn't want to use it. The realization was striking to him as he held is throbbing head in his hands.

Can you do it? A new voice spoke, it was Emily, for a second he thought she escaped but she had just woken up in the dark, far away from Henry.

Emily woke up, her head was crammed, and she felt her arm ache, then she looked around. Darkness everywhere. Instant panic gripped her as she got up and she felt the paper in her hands, she couldn't read whatever it said so she threw it aside.

Where am I? She thought, then walking straight to the benches she realised it was her school but what she doing here? And Why?

She found her way to the door and opened it, the corridor light flickered as she read the sign, Jeremy is in class 9th B, GO!

Her feet kicked in and she began to run towards her previous class, the question still wasn't clear, who did this? But the handwriting...

She reached the door to the class, she smacked her lips and cried for Jeremy.

Henry couldn't hear her, he was going mad. He was crying,

What will you do now? Emily said to him,

I want you! He replied, this conversation with his own mind was making him feel awful.

The police will be here anytime you'll be caught Henry.

I won't... I won't... Henry quivered.

Yes you will be! And you deserve it Henry! YOU DESERVE IT!

Her screams reached Henry as he wailed louder, he slapped himself, but Emily still didn't go away, his mother and father joined her and he began to feel weak again, no matter what he did now to be the strong person he was still weak, shy boy at the silent corner of the library. He began to feel ashamed,

You deserve it Henry,

He looked back, Henry's own image came in front of him, but he was a good Henry, he looked smart and confident.

You R-E-A-L-L-Y deserve it.

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Coming up next:- Henry's insanity is dripping inside his veins as he learns to accept it. Both of the couple must get out of the building... alive if possible.

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