5| Never give up

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So, we may think, it's all over for Henry now, and we would be wrong. Then we would argue about it, think, and even speak to him and say, "Back down now, she has declared her love you can't stop her." Then we'd expect him to be that civilized guy and get up and cry it out and then get over it like a brave boy, like a man. But we'd be wrong again. Henry wasn't brave, he was part brave. He loved everyone around him and never thought of ill but sometimes he would feel this urge, it would take over him and twist his thoughts until he screamed. He would imagine countless scenarios about killing those stupid kids by tying them up and whacking the shit out of them, but he couldn't execute those scenarios even if he wanted them real bad.

But this time, perhaps, his gears had worked. There so many feelings rushing and clashing in his mind that he felt he would blackout. This blackout, we may call the urge that he felt so often. Right at that moment he wanted to rush into the place or even more manly method would be to break the glass and enter, then grab Jeremy by his hair and bang his head on the table.

Henry could see himself smacking that pitiful face on the table, he would smile as Jeremy turned into a corpse. Then he would snatch Emily's arm and run with her. There would be enough time to explain all of this later to her when she calmed down and recover. Henry knew Emily loved him, she could see in her eyes, her beautiful black eyes. And the smile she gave every time he touched her hand. He remembered one time when they had their sports day, Henry tried his luck at 200 meters race. Jeremy had been the observer, being the most athletic person in school, Henry thought that he was too cool to participate in such small races. Big pockets play at big tables, the more the pocket became big the bigger tables would appear. He had come fourth, disqualified of course, but Emily had rushed to him with a water bottle and appreciate him taking up the challenge. Henry bent down to remove his shoes when Emily also came down. He looked at her, she had to say something, and it was just on the tip of her tongue. She put her hair behind her ear and smiled, Henry waited but she got up and took the water bottle and left.

Right now Henry was crying on the street, people saw him, but nobody asked to help. That's how it is now, its 2019 not 1920. And even if it was 1920, people might still hesitate to help him because of the ghastly look that he gave. It was like darkness radiated from him, hell's fire burnt his heart, or the devil took over his mind. He got up on his own, wiped the tear and ran down to the park again.

As he went, Roddy the bully, saw him. He caught the glimpse of Henry's face. Roddy saw him running towards the park, so he got up and took his goons with him to the park.

The park was silent, there weren't many people now as there had been in the evening however they would come back once their stomachs are full and papa thinks he had too many beans and the house stinks so let's pollute the environment. Henry was shedding tears after tears like waterfalls, he was sitting on the ground. His blue-red checked shirt and crumbled and the shred jeans actually made him look like he was a beggar. Wind swept through his hair. In the darkness he couldn't see a thing only vague figures of bats and birds flying across. Roddy appeared out of nowhere in front of Henry, he flinched but got up.

"'smatter? Don't have enough money?" Roddy asked, but Roddy couldn't believe that this puny little kid looked like the devil to him for one instance. Now he was all shriveled up and gangly.

Henry shook his head, there was only one thought in his mind and that was a plan. A large elaborate plan because that's how Henry worked, planning made him feel confident, like he was the controller of the situation. Planning.

For whom? You know the answer.

For what? You know the answer to that too.

Why? That, you'll see for yourself, it may surprise you, it may not. It really depends on if you really knew how Henry felt that day.

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