9| BOOM!

10 2 1

Emily slammed the door as Jeremy woke up, he felt the surroundings and panicked, he smelled petrol, just then Emily tried the doorknob.

The matchstick rubbed against the matchbox and ignited, then the ignited matchstick touched the end of the second matchstick and the flames traveled through that matchstick and the trail of oil followed next. In couple of seconds the entire door caught fire.

Henry rolled on his back,

They did much worse to me! He retorted,

Did they! The Henry in his own mind screamed at him, you've become a monster Henry, do you even realize that? Do you even really care about Emily? About all of this? Do you? DO YOU!?

Henry snapped, he got up and closed his eyes and covered his ear with his hands and ran towards the window and jumped, the window broke and he landed feet-first on the ground, there was a loud crunching sound as the whimpering Henry got up, he had broken his ankle.

"NO! She means everything to me, she'll read the poem, she'll know... You're mine Emily!" He screamed loudly and disappeared into the darkness.

Emily backed away, as the time passed entire class was on fire, Jeremy jumped over the benches. Emily cried for him.

"Jeremy!" She said,

"Don't worry Emily, It okay." He said,

He jumped over another bench, but they were catching fire too. He jumped over another half-burned desk and the flames began to spread outside the classroom.

Emily sidestepped as the flames quickly began to engulf the softboard and the floor. She was stepped over them and reached for Jeremy. He was almost close to the door but the nearest desk to exit charred to ashes. He looked at Emily, he wasn't getting out of this alive,

"Go Emily, go. The whole place is burning down!" He said,

"Not without you! C'mon I'll grab you." She yelled, cursing the person who did this to them.

The fires were coming closer, Jeremy looked at Emily, she was reaching her hand out for him and he could also see the fire behind her edging towards her shoes. He jumped.

Jeremy landed on the fire, it latched on to his shoes and he could feel the heat in his feet Emily grabbed him and they began to run. The fire ahead of them had burned everything. She looked at Jeremy, he took her towards the alternate staircase, they opened the heavy door and began to go down. The fire had already reached the third floor and that was a big problem. Because third floor had the canteen. As the fire ran towards the canteen to burn it down, Jeremy and Emily dropped down to the second floor. It came at the door of the canteen and burned it, it was coming closer and closer to the oven, the fridge, the stove, and the gas cylinder.

The couple reached their last floor when there was a deafening boom, the fridge had exploded, pieces of walls flew towards Jeremy and Emily, he guarded Emily with his hands as they found ground floor, but the staircase was gone, he tried to explain to Emily that were going to jump but there was another boom as the oven exploded, smoke stung their eyes and noses.

Jeremy jumped with Emily to the ground floor, he pushed the burned table aside with his bare hands and broke the glass door. They were outside.

He left Emily and laid down on the floor, Emily fell down and got up, she ran towards Jeremy who was crying in pain, she looked at his hands, it was burning, and the fire got to his clothes. Jeremy was going to burn. Emily quickly took of her jacket and began to put out the fire, pleading to god that he saved Jeremy. There was another much louder boom, the gas cylinder, and Emily got hit in the head by a flying piece of wall, she was struck unconscious. The entire school burned and the smoke started to fill their lungs.

Last time when she opened her eyes briefly, a half-burned paper was on her face. Her clothes were filled with ashes and blood, but she opened the paper, the poem was there, and she recognized the handwriting. Anger surged up and she screamed for Henry, cursing him in hysteric as the firemen took her to the ambulance.

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Coming up next:- A final arc to the story, we get a glimpse of what Henry has finally become and of our couple.

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