A ping from his phone had Gulf scrambling from the bathroom, grabbing the device from the bedside table while he wiped the toothpaste from his mouth.
A notification read that Mew had just posted something on Instagram and he quickly pressed on the screen, launching straight to the page.
He had missed his P'Mew despite just seeing the man yesterday, and their schedules today hadn't allowed them to meet up, so seeing Mew even thru the phone, made him giddy with excitement.
He smiled when he saw the post.
Mew looked good in his opened-up button-down, over his green tee, ripped jeans. Gulf almost wishes Mew hadn't taken off his beanie because Mew always looks adorable in one
He knew that the caption was for him, ever since he won the shining star award on Monday at the Kazz awards, Mew had started referring to him as his shining star.
Of course, Tua Eng will always be his nickname on Mew's lips, but Mew was also generous with his other terms of endearment like 'my sunflower' or 'my rapper', depending on his mood
"Sweet dreams 💫" the caption read. The likes kept on coming and Gulf quickly liked the picture too before posting his comment.
Just as he was pulling the covers off his bed, another ping came in thru this phone, and he saw that Mew He knew what MUSM meant because Mew had used the abbreviation before in some of their messages. Gulf knew it meant as "Miss You So Much"
But what the heck were those words before that!?
"C-U-T-M-R" he spells it out "say what!? Kuutemer? Huh?" He cursed his limited English at the moment
The reaction had him confused. What did this mean? He murmured and tried to decipher the letters but it didn't really make any sense.
He quickly opened the browser on his phone and typed in the letters. The first thing that came up had his eyes widen. His fingers started becoming clammy as he read the sentence that would mean the letter combo. CUTMR. "come up to my room."
It was the first thing to pop up when he searched those letters so it must mean that right? Did Mew want him to come over? Of course, he had missed Mew.
So... Maybe, this was Mew asking him?
Gulf jumped from one leg onto the other and was contemplating what to do.
He was tempted to text Mew, and ask what he meant by his comment, but he didn't want to let Mew think he didn't know something as simple as this
"fuck it." with big strides he walked to his closed and threw on the first pair of sweats he could find and his white Gucci tee which could have belonged to Mew but who really cares at this point, and he had to try and figure out a way to sneak out of the house.
He contemplates whether he should take the car or the motorbike, considering everyone in the house is asleep and he wasn't known to be the nibbles of person.
He decided that the motorbike would be better so that he can push it till down the street and avoid switching on the engine too near his house to alert his family.
Rubbing his hands in glee, he makes his way down quietly avoiding the creaking steps on the stairs as much as possible and grabs the keys and helmet by the doorway before executing his plan.
He quickly rushed out of the house and grabbed the motorbike, pulled it off its standard and pushed it out of the street trying to make as few noises as possible.

MewGulf oneshots
Fanfictionreposting my deleted Oneshot book again! hope this won't get reported and taken down! MewGulf one-shots all one-shots made in 2020 - smut parts are marked 18+ - mpreg is marked (mpreg) fics are all 1000 words and more! For shorter smut/fluff/mpre...