As the sun was slowly setting, the cold weather making everyone's breath turn into icy cold clouds, and Ice had formed on the lake. It was now sturdy enough to skate on so here he was!
The edges were decorated with lights and only a few people had dared to come out in this cold weather and cheerfully played on the ice.
Just as he and... him...
He was a bit nervous; he wasn't going to lie about that. Who wouldn't? He was about to go ice skating with his crush Mew! They had been dating for a few weeks now and it was near Christmas time and they were out on a date at the Lake near his house. His fingers trembled a bit as he tightened his skates around his feet.
"are you ready?"
Gulf gasped a bit and looked up into 2 sparkling eyes and an outstretched hand. His heart started beating faster as Mew's eyes turned into crescent moons and his dark baritone voice made him shiver deliciously.
"ah! Yes! All ready!" he said excitedly but tried to swallow his nerves away as he placed his own hand into Mew's much larger and warm one.
Mew pulled him to the ring while Gulf stumbled after him on his skates.
"Ever gone ice-skating?"
Gulf shook his head and smiled at his date, yet to be called boyfriend.
Mew pulled him closer and they slowly placed their feet on the slippery ice, both Gulf's hands now in Mew's ones.
He shakenly steadied himself and looked down as his feet slipped and slit across the ice. Oh, he so hoped this wasn't going to be a disaster. How would he ever be able to move with these!
"look only at me, baby."
Mew saw how Gulf was so concentrated on keeping his balance he wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled his face up with a finger on his chin and he saw those sparkly brown eyes focus on him now.
"it's going to be fine." he whispered.
Mew almost wanted to lean in as he watched Gulf bite down on that juicy bottom lip surrounded by two blushing cheeks, but he didn't want to startle him and decided to focus on something else.
Slowly he guided Gulf further on the ice and together they slid over the ice, clumsily but they moved.
Gulf held onto Mew tightly and slowly moved his legs one after the other and slowly he got better at it. Mew watched with a big smile how Gulf concentrated on staying upright and felt his fingers dig into his arms. He watched saw the tip of his tongue stick out between his lips and he had never seen anything as adorable as that.
His heart fluttered in his chest and he forgot how to skate right that moment. He stumbled over his skates and with a loud yelp fell down with Gulf on top of him. Gulf had just figured out how to move when his body suddenly leaped and fell down together with Mew. With a little gasp, he landed on Mew's chest and his hands steadied on his pecks.
"I'm so sorry!" Mew apologized.
Gulf held his breath now up-close and staring into Mew's dark orbs that had his muscles turn to mush. He wanted to say something but his lips wouldn't move as they stared at each other and the world around them vanished.
Gulf held his breath as he saw Mew's eyes dart down to his lips and slowly leaned in. Gulf's face flushed even deeper and his heart was erratically beating against his chest.
This was it, finally.
Mew hesitated though and was about to pull back.
Gulf watched Mew's sudden hesitation but he wasn't going to let him pull away again this time. He wanted it just as bad! With all the courage he could muster he pulled Mew's face up to the man's surprise and connected their lips in a tender soft kiss.
Mew was surprised at the sudden attack. His lips were planted on a pair of super soft ones and sparks ran all the way up his body. Both men still laying on the cold ice but not minding it at all, occupied with better things.
Lips mingled and Gulf wrapped his fingers around Mew's neck, keeping their lips connected. A kiss that felt like hours only lasted for numerous of seconds.
Gulf relished in those few seconds though. Both men had closed their eyes, lips moved together and before they finally pulled back completely Mew had continuously pecked Gulf's lips, not wanting to be parted from him at all but the ice-cold ice underneath them made it they had to get up soon.
Mew picked Gulf up and steadied him in his arms, both grinning from ear to ear. He patted the crumbs of ice still attached to Gulf off but kept his arms wrapped around him. Gulf's cheeks flushed a deep red all the way up to his ears his heart beating erratically feeling Mew's body heat warm his cold body.
The ice had broken between them. There was no turning back now and neither of them wanted to it seemed.
"ready to continue?" Mew smiled and this time Gulf nodded with a giggle.
Mew couldn't help it but plant a kiss on his cheek and slowly skated again with Gulf plastered against him.
The sun had completely set and the light decorating the sides guided them over the ice, Gulf getting better and better.
"now that we have come this far let me ask this too then." Mew hummed as he swirled them over the ice.
"Hmmm?" Gulf smiled lovingly at him, contently wrapped in his arms.
Mew leaned in and kissed his cheek before he whispered; "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Gulf's eyes widened and he didn't have to think about this at all. He had been having this answer ready for a long time already.
"Yes...! Yes, Yes! Finally!" Gulf giggled, jumping a bit making him lose his balance and they almost fell down again but Mew was just in time to catch him. Gulf looked up with shocking eyes but burst out in laughter as he was held in Mew's arms making Mew laugh too at his adorable now boyfriend.
"finally..." Mew chuckled and leaned in to seal the deal with a kiss to his lips... again.

MewGulf oneshots
Fanfictionreposting my deleted Oneshot book again! hope this won't get reported and taken down! MewGulf one-shots all one-shots made in 2020 - smut parts are marked 18+ - mpreg is marked (mpreg) fics are all 1000 words and more! For shorter smut/fluff/mpre...