18+ Show me where he touched

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From a distance, laughs and a lot of talks could be heard. This group was not big but you could instantly see that they were close friends. One boy stood out of course, the stunning Gulf.

Finally, they had a night off and decided to go out for a few drinks with his co-actors and friends now. The only one not attending was Mew. He had a few classes to attend still so he would catch up with them if he would be done early.

Gulf was enjoying the company of his friends. Finally, some time to let loose and not having to think about the upcoming workshops for their next season of TharnType. He was a little disappointed that Mew was not here with him. He always felt safe when he was around and going out with him for drinks was always fun and comforting. He could lean on him and let him do the talking mostly. He was so social and confident he really admired him. Just thinking about him made him smile.

"what are you thinking about, all smiling and shit!" Mild jokingly said to him, making the others turn his way.

Gulf startled and got out of his daydream. Feeling a little blush creep up. He got caught thinking about his man. Oh, his man... even saying that made him flustered.

"ah nothing just thinking about the upcoming days." he said softly averting his eyes so they didn't see the blatant lie he just told them.

"yeah right. Blushing for work? Didn't think so! It's Mew right..." Kaownah teased him. The others started to laugh at that, nodding and agreeing with him while Gulf could only splutter out some more very obvious excuses. They kept on teasing him. They all knew they finally confessed their feeling to each other after that very obvious attraction they had throughout the filming of TharnType. Gulf was still a bit shy to show his affection to Mew but Mew could just act the same because he had always acted as if they were boyfriends already. He was a little bolder lately. Touching him more and acting a bit naughtier with him on fan meetings but that was all he could get out without him blushing his ears off.

His co-actors knew better though. When they were alone you could very much see how much they liked each other and even Gulf loved to cuddle up to Mew when they were alone. He just wasn't good at showing any kind of PDA.

"let's drink on the man that's not here though!" Mild yelled a little too loud and lifted up his glass. Obviously a little tipsy already. That man was made for the role of Techno, they were so similar.

He lifted his glass though not wanting to miss a toast on Mew who wasn't here yet.

The evening was full of fun and went by quickly. Even Gulf was letting loose and was laughing and joking with his friends. They played a few drinking games getting them all a bit drunk.

Gulf knew he still had to face Mew so he stopped drinking alcohol before he would go too far and he already felt a little tipsy at that.

He needed some fresh air so he excused himself from the table and walked out the crowded bar to the front porch. Not noticing a man who had been eyeing him for most of the night already getting up to and walking out behind him sometime later.

Gulf let the cool air wash over his heated face and let out a much-needed sign. He needed this. He loved going out with them but missed Mew now. He said he would be here half an hour ago already so he was a little worried. Wanting to give him a call he patted his pants for his phone but not finding it he probably left it inside.

He wanted to turn around and get it but was pulled back by an arm wrapped around his shoulder.

Shocked he wanted to turn around to find out who it was. Hoping Mew finally showed up.

It wasn't though.

The man who had wrapped his arms around his shoulder was not at all Mew. The man was not as good looking as his man! He wanted to bold with the way the man was eyeing him up and down.

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