"There you go! This will surely help your problem..." she winked at him and patted the book she just handed to him.
Gulf smiled at the sweet librarian that had just helped him and thanked her.
"what is this about?" Gulf turned the old and ancient-looking book in his hand not seeing anything on the cover.
"Oh sweetie, its a book about kis---"
"I've been looking all over for you! Can you help me please?" a students head popped around the shelves and both Gulf and the librarian turned to him.
"Ah I'll be right with you..."
The librarian turned back to Gulf with an apologetic face and waved as she walked away. "read it carefully! I'll be going now!"
"thanks again!" Gulf whispered shouted after her and turned his gaze back to the odd old leather looking book.
He decided to just take a look inside and opened it, flipping through the pages until he stumbled upon a drawing.
A drawing of very realistic looking lips. they looked plush, full and Gulf couldn't help himself wanting to feel it and let his fingers wander over the drawing.
How would they feel... he thought.
He pushed the thick glasses that had slipped back on his nose and looked around.
This part of the library was not frequently visited and no one was around.
He took in a deep breath and leaning down, puckering his lips until they met the page, right on the drawn lips.
At that moment the light flickered and suddenly everything went dark. Gulf had his eyes closed and didn't notice any changes until the lips he kissed on the page suddenly moved.
His eyes shot open but everything was dark around him. The lips were soft and warm against his own as if they were real...
Right that moment his wrist was grabbed in a big hand and the light turned back on. His eyes turned as big as coins as he wasn't met with the page of the book but smouldering dark eyes looked back at him. He gasped and almost lost his balanced but a big arm wrapped around his waist to steady him.
"Careful now..." the mysterious man chuckled.
Gulf shivered at the dark baritone voice and took in the handsome face.
Before him stood a tall dark-haired man. Free of any facial hair and sharp features. Wearing a button-down which was halfway unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up, showcasing strong veiny arms. He swallowed down a groan at the godly creature before him, that made him feel things he had never felt before.
"w-who are you?!" Gulf stuttered out as he felt his heartbeat speed up.
The man smiled and raised an eyebrow at him.
"you summoned me."
Blood rushing thru his ears as he processed those words.
It couldn't be, did he... he's eyes travelled back to the book in his hand.
The confusion on the Gulf's face had the man softly laughing.
Gulf was started when he reached up and slowly took his big glasses off his nose and smirks as he stares at Gulf's lips and licked his own. That sinful look had Gulf gasping for air and his mind set into overdrive. God, what had he done.
"I'm here to teach you how to kiss..." the man says as he leaned in, whispering into Gulf's ear.
In an instant lips were back on Gulf's own and he dropped the book out of his hand.

MewGulf oneshots
Fanficreposting my deleted Oneshot book again! hope this won't get reported and taken down! MewGulf one-shots all one-shots made in 2020 - smut parts are marked 18+ - mpreg is marked (mpreg) fics are all 1000 words and more! For shorter smut/fluff/mpre...