Prologue: That Thin Line Between

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"The Joker..." seethed Tetch under his breath.

The television behind them had only but mentioned him briefly. He was already in Arkham and had been for a few days now, but, of course, the television had to mention him at least every other day. The Joker owned Gotham as much as he owned the asylum much to the denial and dread of Mayor Hill and Dr. Bartholomew alike. Fortunately, the Clown Prince allowed the staff at Arkham to have their way with him, for now. He was not allowed into the recreation room and was still in solitary confinement. It was where he should always be as far as most inmates were concerned— as far as most anyone was concerned if he had to be anywhere at all.

Even with the absence of the Joker, Crane noticed that Tetch spoke this quietly for gentle apprehension of anyone other than Crane overhearing him, but the little man's exasperation, his overall contempt and emotion, was overwhelming him as it often did. Fear and anger in their usual battle for supremacy in the aftermath of such an encounter as Tetch had had recently with the Joker would be enough for anyone to be beside him or herself, but Tetch's emotions always ran high.

Slowly, Crane raised a brow from the chess game. It was interesting that Tetch seemed to play chess better when tense and even nervous than otherwise. His next move was already putting Crane's queen in danger. As for Crane himself, he pretended not to take much note as he lowered his eyes again to the game and let Tetch vent a little more.

He was reciting more to himself than to his companion anyway,

"'How cheerfully he seems to grin,

How neatly spread his claws,

And welcomes little fishes in

With gently smiling jaws!'"

"With what ease he takes what he wishes and makes fools of us all," muttered Tetch.

Crane mused over the board for another good move with a hand to his chin.

"It's curious enough," Tetch went on, "that the Penguin seems to think so highly of the Joker when he holds honor among thieves so highly and the Joker does not. The Joker himself has no regard at all for another's things. Not even his own girlfriend— it's little wonder that their relationship did not last long. But his treatment of her in itself makes him a beast worthy of the Jabberwocky. If only someone could take his head galumphing back..."

He paused thoughtfully...

Pensively, Crane corrected.

Tetch's mind wandered for a moment, perhaps on his own pain with Alice, since he was so upset already and had begun digressing about women, anyway.

Crane himself had not though much of the union between man and woman as anything more than animalistic behavior of primal human instinct and beneath him since high school. Sentimental drivel at best when that instinct collided with human intellect and emotion, but he did feel the smallest bit of sympathy for the lovesick creature across from him.

Meanwhile, Crane noticed Pamela Isley glance at them briefly with a look of contempt herself for the Joker. Unlike most people, it was far more contempt for the Joker she felt than fear, if she feared the Joker at all. She looked away when her eyes met his. She did not care much for Crane or Tetch either and both pretended not to notice the way the guard glanced at them with suspicion.

With a sort of pout, she petted her plant and brushed ever-so-gently the fresh seedlings just beginning to sprout in its wake.

Then quite suddenly deciding that he had deviated from his original sentiment enough, Tetch sighed miserably rubbing his temple.

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