Face It

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"Yo, Batman!" called Lunabat.

She leapt right into the position she had last seen him hovering when the police arrived. Of course, now on the rooftops herself, Batman was nowhere in sight. "Mph!" she puffed up her cheeks with annoyance.

Circling around she looked down at the police and the circulating lights on the now quiet vehicles. They had discovered Bullock before they had stopped, and they had to be calling an ambulance. Lunabat could not help a small smirk as she saw how Montoya stayed with him once she had stooped down next to him.

And what a power couple they'd make if they got over some of their differences, Lunabat could not help but tease, but even in friendship and coworker partnership it was very touching.

Something did not always have to be romantic to be touching, after all, even if picturing Bullock and Montoya in wedding dress and groom-suit instead of their police gear was pleasantly amusing.

She was sure Bullock would be alright, of course. He was a tough cookie. Well, more like a tough slab of mutton steak. All the more reason to believe he would be up and kicking butt like he always did before the snow finished melting, but he would have to sit out the rest of the Arkham breakout battle.

Maybe for the best... thought Lunabat with a shrug.

It did not take the police long to find where she had stowed away Wesker and the boys.

Here, Lunabat did have to drop her head.

It was the first time she had ever had to face someone from Arkham. She had always let Batman take care of them until now, while she kept the rest of the small-time crooks at bay. But Batman could not take on all of them at once, even if he had managed to slip by and help her with Bullock. Had he been watching her long?

Lunabat rolled her eyes.

I guess he has a right to be suspicious still, thought Lunabat even though she still felt sore by the idea.

Either way if it had not been for the hostage, Lunabat was not sure she would have had it in her to stop Wesker so severely. Maybe she would have helped the police find him indirectly, but whatever might have happened had circumstances been different, what did happen could not be changed. She still had chills from it.

Sure, Wesker was crazy. Sure, he needed to be stopped, but she had not even been able to show herself very clearly to the gang. She had used up all her smoke pellets for fear of being recognized. Batman had recognized her. Wesker, through Scarface, was no idiot when it came to observing things. She had not even been able to speak aside from a few grunts and "hyah!" sounds, and she felt that to be very unlike herself even in her Lunabat persona. She had managed to kick Scarface out of Wesker's hands but even as she had, she had recalled at least one of the times she had encouraged Wesker in his madness when she had been committed to the asylum herself. All this was just too deep.

"Oi!" she growled as she leaned against a rooftop doorway box on the top of the building she stood on. "Harl! What have you got yourself into this time?"

There was no backing out now. Besides, she felt something move near her.

She spun her head in time to see Batman himself half-hidden in the shadows and the ocean fog. She jumped with a cringe, but she was not all too surprised.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," muttered Lunabat not withholding her annoyance, but she shook her head.

"You don't have to do this," said Batman.

"Neither do you," Lunabat pointed out.

"It's not just yourself you're putting in danger, Harleen."

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