Chapter 8 - Unedited

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"I wonder how experienced she is" Christian's imagination was getting the better of him

"Bro, I don't think she's that experienced. The other night she got this look in her eye. It was like she'd never fully had her demands met" Alex sighed, leaning into the bar. Ari had chucked both of them out of Ashton's office because she wanted to talk 'redesign' and according to her; the twins were killing her 'creative juices'

"I think we should just ask her" Christian added

"You're getting a fucking head of yourself! She hasn't agreed to our terms and you think by her being comfortable in a fetish club everything is going to work out just fine and fucking happy. Have you even considered that she might have preferences for topping" Alex growled. He was sick of Christian's thoughtless behaviour... it was always left him, to plan ahead. They were meant to be a partnership.

"Alexander I really don't think..."

"No Chris, that's the problem, you're not thinking. You thought she had more vanilla than ben and jerry's. Your instincts are wrong because she fucks up your senses!" Alex yelled. He hadn't lost control in a long time and didn't want to. Maybe he needed to add in some extra gym sessions.

Ari opened the door to office and stared down at the twins in a heated argument. Alex fists were tensed at his side, he was in fight or flight mood. An idea suddenly hit Ari like a house full of bricks, she knew it was risky but it would definitely distract the twins from their argument.

"I'd like a tour" Ari stated. She made sure it wasn't a question

"Ashton can take you. We're discussing something" Christian replied in a clipped tone

"I'd like you two to show me around" Both twins looked uneasy about her demands. Alex stood up first... Ari knew Alex picked his arguments very carefully, he didn't argue if he didn't think the outcome would benefit him in some or another. The bar stretched along the west side of the club. The stage was the centre piece of the room and Ari wanted to play on that for her new designs. Alex led her back to the upper level. Ashton's office was in the middle and on either side were two heavy velvet curtains.

"It's an entire circle of viewing rooms" Christian added. Alex walked through and moved out of her way, showing her 10 different viewing rooms. There were colours above the door and Ari figured they were to indicate the sort of level of intensity that was happening in that specific room. There were two green rooms – Beginner rooms, likely to be for new members. Three orange doors – Usually for people who weren't ready for public sex. Three red rooms – her friend in university had called red rooms ''the anything goes room" and finally two black doors. She gave them a questioning look.

"Private elite members, there invite only rooms. Some people are particular about who watches them." Alex cleared up for her

"Understandable" she nodded. And he opened an orange door. Clearly someone hadn't bothered to tidy up when they were finished. Across the leather bench someone had left the riding crop and handcuffs. Alex watched as Ari shivered. The thought of using that crop on her arse was making his jeans uncomfortably tight. He could tell that his brother was having the same reaction. They moved from room to room, each one was as interesting as the one before. Ari couldn't help the fantasies that her mind ran away with.

"I guess we should leave to get ready" Ari smirked

"Ready for what?" Alex was normal mood hadn't returned but at least he wasn't glaring anymore

"I want to see the club during opening hours"


"Do you think this is a good idea?" Alex asked, Christian looked blank. Usually they were so in control of everything, but Ari had been testing their fragile limits today.

Vanilla, Cream and Strawberries (Unedited copy)Where stories live. Discover now