Chapter 20 - Unedited

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"The looks on your faces are priceless" Alexander and Ari were completely frozen in place as Christian headed upstairs. Ari was the first to speak as she looked around the mess they had made of the kitchen.

"He isn't pissed?"

"That we had sex? No I doubt he'd be pissed over that"

"But he didn't exactly look his normal self?"

"It's not about the sex, well it is. It's just we're brothers, twins princess. There will always be a competitive nature between us. Logically we're know it's stupid but..."

"But you're human and we all get jealous and pissed" She finished for him.

"Exactly. I'm sure the first time you fuck Christian without me, I'll feel odd about it" He stated looking at the stairs Christian had just retreated up

"Perhaps we shouldn't have sex separately, like I don't mean all together all the time but maybe the other person should be present"

"We're human Ari and we both love you. If Christian want's to fuck you while I'm at the gym that's his right" Alex finished looking defiant and final. She wouldn't push him anymore on the matter. It was clear to her this would have been a situation the twins discussed at length in detail.

"Go for a shower, I'm going to clean this shit up" His dismissive tone annoyed her. She knew he didn't mean but it stung after the sex they'd just shared together but she decided now wasn't the time for arguments and complied with his command, heading up the stairs without a second look. Somehow she knew Christian wasn't going to be their shared room, she found him laid on his bed, eyes closed and humming to some god awful song he was currently obsessed with.

"Are you going to stand there all day staring at me like a creepy stalker, little one?" Ari wasn't sure what she'd expected; perhaps for him to shout or blank her out. But she definitely did not expect him to be himself. Not trusting her voice, instead she put one foot in front of the other and walked towards the bed.


He couldn't possibly be angry with his baby, they knew this fucked up relationship was going to be hard to manage at first. The twins had spoken at length about it over the years, and it was one of the main reasons behind why they left her. Watching her walk towards him, Christian knew he'd never give her up despite whatever the future decided to hold. She was his, and he wasn't going to feel hurt because she slept with Alex first or because they didn't include him. They were a threesome, demanding they all have sex together, all the time was ridiculous. Christian and Alexander had very different sexual needs, and sometimes they could unite those needs, but other times Christian needed to fuck Ari the way he wanted too.

"Hm, don't look at me like that baby" He told her, smirking at the guilty look

"Why aren't you angry or something?" She blurted out, Christian watched as she frowned, silently scolding herself for blurting things out.

"Should I be angry that you and my twin brother fucked without me?" He asked, keeping his voice light; but it was clear he wanted a real answer.

"Yes? No? I don't know Chris, I feel guilty." She told him honestly

"Do you feel like you've cheated on me?"

"No... more like I neglected you" She said looking down

"Baby. We're a threesome. We're not joined at the hip. We're sexual people. You're mine and Alexander's. Any relationship like ours will have kinks we need to work through"

"I know that. I just don't want you thinking I prefer Alexander, and Alexander thinking I prefer you." He kissed the tip of her noses, watching the sincerity in her eyes.

"We've just got to have good communication" He told her honestly. Christian knew for this to work they had to be open and talk it out. No one could bottle up their feelings.

"He's right princess, for this to work we need to be 100% honest with each other. No matter how much we think it might upset someone" Alex starred her down from the doorway. The twins knew Ari would ignore her feelings if they meant they might hurt someone. She might appear strong and wilful on the outside, but on the inside she was far too caring and selfless sometimes. Alex flopped down on the bed, sandwiching Ari between himself and Christian. There was nothing sexual about the three of them laying there. It was more a puppy pile of comfort not sexual feelings.

"We've got that dinner tonight" Christian groaned, burying his head in Ari's hair.

"Do we have to go?" Alex asked

"I'd much rather stay hidden in our ivy tower" Ari added, looking distressed at the thought of appearing in public.

"Fuck it" Christian smirked "Not tonight. Tonight I think we should have some fun." The room suddenly didn't feel so tense. Fun was exactly what they needed.


"You know what this means baby?" Christian smirked, taking a chug of the vodka bottle

"That you're fucking cheating" Ari snarled. And the twins burst out laughing. She was down to her bra and panties. While Christian had only lost a sock and his shirt, and Alex had only lost both socks and his shirt.

"Don't be a sore loser princess" Alex grinned

"off, off, off, off, take it off. Off, off, off" The twins chanted. Ari stood up, stepping on to the glass coffee table smirking now. To what if she was going to be left in only her panties. Moving her hips slowly to the love song, she unhooked her bra and slid it slowly of her shoulders. Throwing it at the twins. Alex wolf whistled, while Christians smirk grew even larger. Ari may have been a bit drunk, but she knew exactly how to use this sudden situation to her advantage. The twins were men after all... easily distracted males. Who would be spending more time starring at her breasts than paying attention to the game... settling back into her spot on the floor, Alex began to deal the cards.

"Give her bottle. She lost so, she has to drink" Christian grinned. The taste of the vodka warmed her throat uncomfortably. But it gave her the courage to slowly start teasing her breasts. Flicking her nipple between her fingers. The twins tried to ignore it but after almost a bottle of vodka their control was simple non-existent.

"I don't think she's playing fair Chris"

"No I don't think she is Alex" The twins traded a grin and launched.


Laid between them in bed, Ari contemplated the bond her and the twins shared. It was a sort of love that left her feeling like the twins were still buried within her hours later. So hyper aware of them that she could simply detect their moods from their facial expressions. It was the short of love that hurt her when she wasn't around them, pined for them if she wasn't talking with them or touching them, or even imaging herself with them. But it was the sort of love that wasn't just about sex. It was something deeper, something more, and something she could probably never explain. It was something that came around once in a life time, and if she didn't go with it. She'd never get another opportunity to experience love like this. This was the love of fairy tales and romance novels. Acceptance. That was what this sort of love symbolised. She was never judged for what she wanted sexually. Her kinks and her flaws were accepted. She'd found the sort of love that made her want to plan her future.

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