"This is a very small chapter and has set in motion the beginning of book two - VSC will be undergoing a complete edit in the next couple of months, characters name changing and a few events are going to be edit out and new things put it - I hope you're all enjoying the journey with me and thank you so much for all the support"
It felt like time had stopped all together, all three sets of eyes were glaring that the 'temperature thermometer' Ari made the first grab before Alexander could get his hands around the little stick and shoved it in her pocket without having a look at it.
"Arabella what on earth is going on?" Christian half shouted, looking at her in complete shock. How could he keep something like this from the pair of them
"Chris calm down, lets talk about this" Alex answered
"Would you have even told us had we not walked in?" Christian asked glaring at her
"Tell you what exactly? that my period is late and I wanted to be sure on my own before i said something. Can I not have any privacy?" She demanded, she knew she should had said something but she wanted to stand her ground on this. How on earth was she going to live with them if they couldn't give her even an ounce of space and personal time when she needed. Fucking men she thought and she held on to the pregnancy test tighter in her pocket.
"I think if one of us maybe by any chance has impregnated you we have the fucking right to know" Christian demanded
"Oh get fucked. Neither of you are ready for children and this is my choice" Alexander looked like he was ready to smash the kitchen apart and Christian looked like he wanted to physically shake the shit out of her.
"Your choice to what Arabella?" Alexander asked, each word coming out through clenched teeth
"If a baby is the right thing in this situation" She answered, Christians hand smashed down on the kitchen island
"How fucking dare you?" His voice sounded like he was ready to kill someone
"Ari, what part of us loving you and wanting to spend the rest of our lives with you doesn't involve children to you?" Alex asked in her calmer tone
"The part where we don't even know what we're doing" She yelled back
"Now it's your turn to get fucked. If you think for a second i'd allow you to abort my child inside you, you are fucking deluded" Christian answered his voice as sharp as ice
"Christian calm down. We have to talk about this" Alex answered him
"Calm down, you are joking? if you think for a second i'd let someone kill something that's apart of me, apart us. You're fucking insane!"
"You don't even know if its yours?" As soon as the words left her lips, Ari knew the mistake she'd made. Christian didn't even look at her, he picked up his car keys and walked out of the door. "What have i done?" She asked Alex and she started cry. Alex pulled her into a hug
"Sometimes you really do underestimate that man Ari. You really have no idea about how he truly feels about some things and that really needs to change before you push him away completely."
"I'm so sorry"
"You're apologising to the wrong person baby. Now give me that pregnancy test, i'm going to cover it and we all going to discuss this together and then look at it when Christian is back and not looking to kill someone" Alex smirked at her. "Just chill out. We'll talk about it, that's what we do and we'll sort it out i promise" She nodded her head and snuggled into his shoulder.
Its one thing how someone who doesn't know you to judge, their opinion means nothing, they never know the whole story but for Christian have his Arabella judge him so harshly made it evidently clear. She might love him, and she probably always has and will, but no matter what he does in the future or even now, she is always going to judge him and that broke his heart. Having the woman you love more dearly than anything look down on you and tell you so many words that you're not ready to be father... that hurts, more than anything and real question here is would Ari had said the same thing if Alexander had been speaking to her. Christian realised he'd never know the answer to that question and part of him was glad. What more could he do for this woman? evidently whatever he was doing was not enough to prove his devotion and why the fuck should he constantly have to a reassure her and remind her daily, she should know his worth.
Sitting at his desk in the office it was clear that he needed time away, from them both. While he knew Alexander would follow him to the end of the earth, he wasn't so sure about that with Arabella involved. Christian needed some space from the both of them and that is exactly what he was going to do. A couple of weeks or a month away time for everyone to clear their heads and really figure things out.
"I'm taking some time off and away. We need the space and we need to realise what is really important to us. I can't do this right now and i'm not sure if i'll be able to in the future. I love you both Christian."
Ari cried as Alexander read the note delivered by reception.
"What are we going to do?"

Vanilla, Cream and Strawberries (Unedited copy)
RomanceUnedited version of the story. Vanilla , Cream and Strawberries has undergone a complete edit and partial rewrite, this is for anyone who would like to read the unedited version