Chapter 19 - Unedited

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"Just us tonight baby" Mmm, that feeling between your thighs where you can visibly feel your clit throbbing that was the sort of response Alex could generate from me with just four little words. If Alex hadn't been carrying me why legs would have given out there and then.









It felt like I was going to explode, with all of these emotions coursing through me.

Have you ever wanted something so badly? Fantasized about it so much? That when it actually happens it doesn't really meet you expectation? Well imagine it bypassing every expectation you'd ever had and just being better.


Laying here clit throbbing, legs shivering and hands restless... I watched Christian crawl towards me, kissing each ankle, my shins, and my knees; licking the length of my thighs, kissing from hip to hip. Nipping my navel... while all the time starring directly into my eyes. In my fantasies the twins had always been rough and hard but Christian was the opposite too that he was slow, soft and sensual. His lazy grin relaxed my nerves.

"Don't look so scared baby, I don't bite... well not much" he smirked at me, as he flicked his tongue across my right nipple and biting on to it, my back arched of the bed. It hurt like fuck but I still wanted more. More of anything that Christian was willing to give. Christian laughed as he licked my nipple trying to relieve a bit of the pain.

"Where's Alex?" I asked him, tangling my fingers through his hair and twisting it. I'd never considered whether the twins enjoyed any pain themselves, sure they enjoyed dishing it out but I had never thought they might have enjoyed receiving it but Christian's subtle groan told me otherwise. Pulling at the roots of his hair I dragged his face upwards to meet my lips. He'd managed to get a hand under my back and was moulding us together as he nibbled my bottom lip and kissed me softly.

"Hmm, he's trying to calm himself down" He told me seriously and I was remember how my heart jumped forward

"Why?" I demanded and he although he was smirking... his eyes were deadly serious.

"Bells, Anal is going to fucking hurt, I mean it, no matter how much lube or how slowly Alex goes.. you're still going to feel like he's ripping you apart from the inside and your natural instinct is going to be to tense up. But he'd excited... he's dreamed about fucking your tight little ass since well forever. He needs to remind himself what ramming his way into you will do." I rested my head on his shoulder because I couldn't bare to look at him. I was embarrassed and scared.

"I see"

"Don't overthink it, please" He kissed my forehead and flopped down beside me kissing my shoulder. "On top, now" He demanded smirking


"What was that?" He grinned


"My palm is itching Arabella, I think it was something" He smirked

"I must be missing all the fun" Alex growled as he kissed my shoulder, sitting himself on his knees behind me. A look crossed between the twins and Alex nodded. It wasn't the time to bug them about their secret twin-mind-communication.

"Not at all" I said turning around and kissing Alex.

"I should hope not" He smirked and spread my ass cheeks. "I want you to lean on all fours over Christian, legs either side of his thighs. Good girl" The position was comfortable enough, and I could feel Christian teasing his cock along my lips but not daring to enter me. It was clear Alex was calling the shots, considering he was the one most on edge. Christian flashed me a genuine smile and lent forward to capture my lips, his tongue teasing against me... wanting access, as desire started to flood through my nerves. Taking a nibble of his lips and hearing that tiny whimper escape him made me clench around his teasing cock. Using his forefingers to tickle along the length of my spine as he shifted his weight allowing his crotch to rest more firmly against mine as he began rocking his body slightly. The sensation of his cock causing friction against my clit had me moaning and digging my nails firmly in the tops of his arms.

Vanilla, Cream and Strawberries (Unedited copy)Where stories live. Discover now