Chapter 22 - Unedited

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"Ari please don't do this, we can explain it baby. Please. Fuck it. Stop walking away from me!" Alexander hand wrapped around her wrist as he pulled her back. Smashing her into his chest

"Get the fuck off me" The look in her eye told him she wasn't his submissive princess anymore. He released her wrist and watched her walk into the waiting elevator that Ashton was holding open. No words were spoken between Ari and Ashton as they descended in the elevator. Ari felt Ashton's arms wrap around her shoulders and drawing her into the safety of his body.

"Sh little lady, don't cry on me" She hadn't even realised she was crying until he started to wipe them away with the hand of his hand. "Its ok, we'll leave tonight. Put some space between you and them and let you all get your heads straight"

"What am I going to do?" Ashton felt his heart break as the woman he'd come to view as more than a friend gripped his shirt between her fingers and sobbed into his chest. Tucking her into the side of his body, he half dragged carried her across the main entrance to the building and helped her into the passenger seat of his suv. Ashton couldn't deny that the way the twins 'protected' Ari made him feel sick, they tried to run her and while he'd never said anything, he knew he had to get her away and allow her the space she needed to realise that, this wasn't how a healthy relationship worked.

Ari watched everything Ashton did, watching him weave into traffic, watching how he switched gears fluidly almost as though it was second nature to him, the crease between his brows as he focused on the road. Ari felt exhausted and starved. She wanted nothing more than a warm bed and food. But she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. She could feel the worry and regret building slowly inside of her.

"Where are we going?" Ari asked to break the silence between them

"The cabin, it's a couple of days drive from here" He answered, not taking his eyes off the late night traffic

"They're going to look for us"

"Cash, nothing electronic. We'll be untraceable that way"

"We'll need to get some cash, and I'll need clothes and things" Ari said in rushed whisper. Ashton could see she was starting to panic, and placed his hand on knee.

"Shh, little lady. I've taken enough money from the club to last us. We can get you some new clothes. It's going to be ok. Don't panic on me"

"I'll try not too" Although she smiled, Ashton knew she was just trying to put on a brave face

"Come on, let's check into a hotel and we can figure it out in the morning"


Ari ground her teeth at Ashton, as he dragged her into the lobby tucked under his arm shielding most of her face. His words echoing in her mind

"We just need to look like a pair of sex crazed lovers" Although she understood the need to pretend and hide, she didn't like it one bit.

"A room for the night I take it" The check in clerk asked Ashton. Ashton smirked and nodded his, looking down at Ari and pretending to whisper in her ear. Successfully hiding most of my face.

"That'll be $320 sir" Ashton dropped a wad of cash on the desk and made a move for the key

"I'll need a credit card sir, as a guarantee, should anything be dragged or order via room service" Ashton pulled out a sleek looking black credit card and handed it over. Ari watched as the guy scanned it and returned it to Ashton.

"Whose credit card was that?" Ari demanded as they entered the evaluator

"Oh of the twins, I hardly think they'll be monitoring themselves" He grinned and placed it back in his wallet. Ari was glad Ashton was handling this, because if she was on her own she knew the twins would have already convinced her to go back to them. The room was what Ari had expected, queen size bed, a small table with chairs, a sitting area with a sofa, desk space, wardrobe and a en suit.

Vanilla, Cream and Strawberries (Unedited copy)Where stories live. Discover now