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   It was a loosing fight, I was no match to him.... I suppose ill never see Y/N again, what a shame.....

   Qrow: You have a lot of balls, showing your face to a crowd! Even if I cant beat you, ill sure as hell leave some scars!

I ran to him and threw my scythe towards his arm, watching as the blunt side hit his arm full force. I had hoped to break his arm, but i stopped a little short. He grabbed his sword and jumped towards me. I used my crow form to evade his swing attack right after his landing. I switched back and ran to the huntsman's corpse. I grabbed the club they had on them (AN: filthy caveman build) and swung it towards him, hearing the club break as I slammed it into his head. I looked away and ran back to get my scythe, I was about to reach it, but he landed in front of it. I sighed and got ready to start using my fists. He leaned down and threw some kind of black sludge at me, I felt it graze my arm. My arm was quick to start burning horribly, but I forced myself in front of him and punched him right below the chest. He stumbled away and i took the chance to grabbed my scythe again. I watched him recover fast.

   I swung at him with all I could, but he flipped backwards, letting the black magic grow around him. I realized he wasn't moving while he released the magic, and swung at him while he tried to release it. A sickening crack rang out.....

   I had shattered his left arm.

He let put a blood curdling scream and stared at me, two glowing red dots appearing where his eyes would be. He ran at me full speed, I switched my scythe to sword mode and stabbed him right after barely evading he charge.

He recovered from my jab, and looked up at me. His sword started to glow darkly, and he screamed at me again.


He started sprinting towards me again. I wasn't gonna be able to run away, as his speed was inhumane, and the distance between us wasn't far enough for me to avoid getting hit. In the last seconds before he hit me, I got a peak at his face.......

...It was Y/N.... Salem had gotten to him.... I failed him, I'm sorry.....





Qrow stared in shocked horror, His aura wasn't strong enough to take the blow.... He was gonna die, and he knew it. He stumbled forward, I watched him slowly glance back at me. He looked as though everything he ever wanted was right next to him, and I destroyed it right in front of his face. The blood pooling at his feet was no joke, evident by him collapsing a few seconds after he stared at me. His body, already lifeless, let its blood hug itself all over the left over remains of what was once Qrow. Horrified silence was held by everyone, I slowly grabbed my weapon and walked out.

    This would be an act I will be punished for, as Nameless Queen herself told me to be out of the public eye for all the things I have to and want to, do. A bad feeling filled my heart, like the first time my sister said she hated me. I walked back to the point NQ asked me to go to, if I wish to go back to her palace....

AN: My first ever time writing a fight scene! Im kinda proud of this, although it is a little short (especially for how I set the book to hype this event up.) Hopefully it was a good way to introduce the "beginning of the end" as I may call it. I'm not saying I'm gonna finish the book soon, but call this the start of the "ending" Arc of the story. I will also continue to fill in on everything I skipped between arcs, so y'all end up not being lost.

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