It Was All Okay Back Then, Right Syd? (Backstory Chapter)

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It was a nice warm Summer in '68, when we see a guy smile upon a child. His name is Taiyang.

Tai: Hey little guy, how are you doing?

The child in his hand giggles, before grabbing his fathers finger.

   Summer: How is Y/n, Tai?

   Tai grew a smile, he picked up Y/n and brought him to Summer. He walked up to Summer, before rubbing her stomach and smiling.

   Tai: He's a little lonely, I think I heard him say he wanted another sister.

   Summer chuckled before playfully shoving Tai. Tai was about to retaliate when someone called to them.

   ???: Mommy, Daddy? Can I play with Little Bro?

   Tai looked over and smiled, he ushered her over and took Y/n out of Summers hold.

   Tai: Of course Yang, just be careful. I don't want him to get hurt.

   Yang nodded before lightly grabbing Y/n and sitting on the couch with both parents following. Yang started playing peekaboo with him while Tai and Summer watched. A little while later, they heard a knock at the door. Summer stood up and walked to the door, opening it.

Summer: You're here! Yang missed you, Raven!

Raven nodded before walking in, noticing Yang goofing around with Y/n.

Raven: What are you doing Yang? Playing with your brother?

Yang nodded with a smile, before softly putting him down and running over to Raven. She gave her mother a big hug.

Yang: Mommy!

Raven smiled, she always loved Yang, more then Y/n anyway. All of them were surprised when they heard another knock at the door. Raven walked to the door to open it, only to see someone with black curly hair, and hazel eyes.

   ???: Hello, Raven. I have a very important message to you and your little friends. You know little Y/n? I want y'all to beat him.

   Summer was in shock, who the hell tells me to hurt my son?! Summer grew angry, before walking to him.

   ???: Don't do something you regret, Summer. It would be a shame for your unborn child to die, wouldn't it? Now beat the boy, or I send Salem after you.

   ...That changes everything doesn't it? One kid with a poor life, or no family members alive by a few days? Sorry kid.

   ???: You can thank me later, but when you do. Make sure to call me... Syd.

   They wouldn't give him a happy life, to save everyone. But they never thought about what their kid would in the future. Oh how things were happy back then.

Y/n: Hey Syd? Thanks for saving me from my family.

Syd: Of course Y/n.

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