You Were Watching TV

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   Inside you watched the TV. A show was on, about some guy being disowned. You really didn't pay attention, only thinking on what couldn't be fake. You were punched by Tai, and he flattened your head right? Did that happen? Did meeting Salem happen? Too many questions with zero answers.... Your eyes stuck to the TV, it's bad to think so much. The Doctor enters the room, and starts asking questions.

   Doctor: What do you remember before you ended up here?

   You: Killing.... Er... meeting..... being hit by..... I, uh, Perhaps being born? I remember too many things.... Tell me would you?

   Doctor: ...You don't have a clue what is real from your past do you? *sigh Well how about you take time to recollect yourself, I've got a lot to report about.

   He leaves, and you're eyes go back to the screen.

   Reporter: An earthquakes shook up the opera house yesterday at 3:00 PM. Loyd, who was the pianist, had suffered an accident. He had been playing for an hour at the time, and the earthquake forced the pianos lid down, and broke his fucking fingers (It's a miracle).

   It was odd how this sounded familiar... Rerun perhaps? Do they do that for the news? Who cares, he got what he deserved anyway.

   Doctor: Don't you see it, Y/N? The news makes perfect sense. Sadly we have no clue if your past does, as it doesn't seem to exist. Nobody knows but you and your family. You'll be free from the hospital soon.

   He left. Oddball isn't he? Whatever, perhaps sis will visit and shed light on my past? What was her name again..... She'll tell me.

   Time passes, and you watched the TV....

   Someone opens the door, no idea who she is, but she seems intelligent. She stared at me, before quickly running up to me.

   ???: Y/N!!!! You're awake! I've been worried about you.

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