Swing Dancing and Old Friends

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I try very hard to play down my looks. I try to dress plain and not call attention to myself. Blend in. My roommates dragged me out and decided that was no longer an option. So, in a borrowed little red dress that does its best to look like it's from the 40s, matching kitten heels, flawless winged eyeliner, and red lips, my floormates styled my hair to look like an old picture of my grandma and took me out for the night. They wouldn't allow my standard messenger bag, flats, or ponytail. I was issued a clutch bag that could fit my phone, a few cards (ID, credit, and MetroCard), lipstick, cash, and a hair tie for the way home. Under the pain of death, I was not allowed to wreck my hair with a hair tie until we were in the Uber on the way home.

The three of them were dressed for a Big Band Swing night at a club in Brooklyn. Madalyn wore her strawberry blond locks in victory curls like the bombshell she is. Every inch of the stereotype, long legs, tight black wiggle dress, and pumps that let the devil know she was knocking. Samantha's honey eyes were on display with dark curls twisted and pinned in a twist that allowed the tendrils to fall down her face and frame the danger these men were in for. The hourglass figure she carried told everyone who saw her, she was in charge tonight. Jennifer's short firelocks made Audrey Hepburn's pixie locks in Roman Holiday look like a poor excuse for a style. Jennifer paired her emerald swing dress with petticoats in 3 different shades of green creating an ombre leading into her skirt. Tonight, they'll don accents to make them sound exotic, honey will flow from their lips and tease everyone who asks them to dance.

I'm told that out of all groups of friends there's an ugly one. But the selfies that the girls took told me one thing. That tonight, that rule does not apply.

"Maggie! Come on! We're going to be late." I heard Jennifer from my living room. She had let herself in. I went over the contents of my mini bag one more time trying to figure how to get something useful into the bag. There was literally no room for anything I could defend myself with.

"Coming!" I called out, putting the lipstick back in the bag. I peeked out and saw she was wearing a similar shade as I was. "Quick question, can I share your lipstick for retouches? My bag doesn't quite close with it."

"Sure! Come on!" I ducked back into the bathroom and grabbed my small pocket knife off the counter. Before I put it in the bag, I realized Madalyn would flip if she saw it. So I did what any girl with a full chest and a good bra would do, slide it in the girls. I followed Jennifer downstairs where the other two were already waiting. I locked my apartment keys in my mailbox with the address of where we're going and only kept only the outdoor key. "OO Let's get your grandpa to take a group shot" Everyone agreed, and I knocked lightly on my grandpa's apartment door.

It took a moment, but he answered with a big smile on his face. "Did you find a party for all the soldiers before they ship off to war?" Grandpa owned the building. He and grandma lived on the first floor for most of my childhood. He rents out the other apartments to students and young professionals for a cheap rate.

"We're going to a Big Band night downtown." Grandpa was a World War II vet and raised me listening to Big Band and trying to teach me to dance. He said he was never as good as his friend was.

"Well you look like some of the girls Bucky and I used to try to dance with." He smiled. "Well Bucky danced, I stepped on some toes."

"Pop-pop can you do us a favor and take a picture of us?" I asked fetching my phone from my micro bag. I could see him disapprove of the small bag.

"Anything for you Pumpkin" The girls and I stood together, and he took some pictures. "You girls be safe tonight. Turn the hallway lights off when you get back."

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