Past and Future

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Can't move. Tied down. Can't see. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Noises. People talking. Not dark. light Above.

Something is in my mouth, can't spit it out. I can't bite. My head is secured so tightly. Everything weighed down. Tubes down my arms.

Click. Click. Click.

"They're coming to. Give them more." The voice above spoke.

Get Free.

"Hold them down."
Straps tightened as two hands pressed them down by the shoulders, almost hard enough to break a bone.

"How much has she had?" I know that voice. Female. Familiar.

"2 vials." Pulsing. Burning in my veins. Can't move.

Click. Click. Click.


"We should stop. Their heart can't take it."

"3 Vials" Ice shoots through and kills the fire.

"People will forget Steve Rogers when they're all dead."


Quite. Peace.

"Stand Back!"


James was shaking me awake. I'm screaming. "It's a dream. You fell asleep." James kept holding on as I tried to get away.

"Not dream. Past. Future. Not dream. Future. No. Past." I'm shaking and he is holding on. I'm so cold. Run. I have to get out and try to push out of his grip.

"Breath." He commands me and I can't. I can't verbalize anything I'm feeling. I'm not sure what I'm seeing. I still feel the tubes and restraints. Fire and Ice in my veins. It's fighting. "You're having a panic attack. It's over. You're safe." James kept talking calmly trying to get me to mimic the calm. "Focus on me. I'm right here. Focus." He held my face to his. Wild Ice staring back at me. I'm trying to focus. I'm trying to breathe. My body just gives out into his arms as I start sobbing. "It's OK. Shh. You're safe."

"They're going to get me."

"No." He whispered. "No one's going to get you."

"I'm not getting away this time."

"Shh." He held on to me. "I'm not going to let that happen."

We stayed there for a while until I could regain any sense. "I couldn't see. I couldn't move. There was beeping and clicking. Two or Three people over me. They're injecting me. Fire and Ice in my veins. Three injections." I started rubbing my chest "So much pain. It was electric on my chest." He listened and waited for my pulse to drop.

"You OK?"

"Yeah." I tried to stand, and James helped stabilize me.

"You're freezing." He guided me back down to the couch and wrapped me in a blanket. "What did you mean by Past and Future."

I pulled my hoodie tighter around me. I'm still shaking, so cold under the blanket. "I see flashes. Sometimes, people's past, random futures. Details get shaky. I don't see lead-up events. Sometimes it's from my eyes, sometimes it's the wide scene. I've never been able to focus on this." I pulled myself together. "Never this. Never so much pain. Never pain."

James' phone started ringing. He sighed. "It's Sam. I should answer it," he said. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah?" I could hear James' side but I couldn't focus on the words, pair that with James walking into the kitchen. I could hear shuffling but none of the conversation. He came back with two cups of coffee. His black mine with a splash of cream. "So bad news, Sharon's gone MIA. No sign of her anywhere. She rejected a bounty on you a few weeks ago and then this bounty came up in other channels and the amount doubled."

The heat did nothing in my hands. "How much am I worth?" He smirked. But it was all I could ask. If she's gone MIA there's no point asking anything about her.

"You could buy a few dozen brownstones and completely renovate for that price tag." The mental math made me sick. I was starting to feel the heat in my hands. 

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