Winter Soldier

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At some point in the day, I noticed that Maggie was hyper-aware of the footsteps in the hallway, holding her breath until they passed. I kept thinking of her on the fire escape, "That's it." I said getting up. Maggie looked up at me. "Did Steve really not teach you how to fight? "


"You on the fire escape. It was sloppy, chaotic, and not effective."


"I'm going to teach you how to fight."

Down at the gym, we changed into sweats and I went through the basics with her. She knows how to throw a punch, and she has some good strength and contact. Her strength was surprising. I knew she was going to be strong, but I didn't know how strong. Her front kicks are terrible, I didn't know front kicks could be terrible. There was no power, she couldn't figure out where to land it and her ankle wasn't stable on the hit. But her sidekicks sent the punching bag across the room.

"You ready for some light sparing?"

She took a sip of water before looking up at me. "Shouldn't I fix the bag first?" I looked and saw the sand pouring out.

"There's no fixing that one." One new addition to Avenger's training center since the last time I was down here was the addition of training pads. I grabbed a pair of boxing gloves for each of us. "I want you to hit me as hard as you can. I'm going to block it so you can feel the resistance." She punched me once with no force, it was the type of punch you would see the nerd in high school trying to throw. "You punch the bag harder than that. Punch me. Punch me like your boyfriend just cheated on you with all three of your girlfriends." I heard the door open.

"Bold of you to assume I date." The air rippled and I stopped, why wouldn't she date? And then she hit me square in the chest sending me back to the padded wall.

"Like that." I coughed. She ran over to me and helped me up apologizing profusely, that she didn't mean to send me flying. The air rippled again as we walked back to the mat. "So what was that other thing you did?"

"What other thing?" She questioned handing me her bottle of water.

"You do something when you're fighting. The air did something before you landed the punch." She just shrugged,

"Are you tripping? I have no idea what you're talking about?" Was she lying? Or did she not know.

"Must be nothing." She got up for another round. "You're not going to like this. But I think we should work on you getting out of the chokehold from my apartment." I went behind her wrapping my left arm around her. "You panicked and started kicking. You got lucky with the door frame being there while you were kicking." Using my right hand I lightly grabbed her right hand. "I want you to take a step to the left Shifting your body weight, into my elbow." She followed. "With your right hand, you're going to have a clear shot to the groin, make a fist" I bent her hand up and brought it back slowly onto my hip. "That hit will bring your captors face down. From there your elbow is going to come up into my face." We went through this motion a few times. Establishing the rules for training to hit my hip, not the jewels. We worked on a few other sides until she became comfortable.

We spent another hour sparing. Her stamina was impressive. She kept up with me until she realized she should be tired and then took a drink. I glanced at the clock and decided to see what would happen if I just kept pushing her for speed and reaction.

"OK, one more round." She came back to the mat. I started the attack as soon as her second foot was on the mat. At first, she just kept blocking. I managed to get behind her and held her harder. The air started changing as held on to her. She squirmed and I held tight. "Focus." I hissed into her ear. This wasn't a hold we worked with, I caught her in a bear hold and had one of her wrists caught. I wanted to see what she would do. She stopped fighting and took a breath. The air shifted as she let her weight drop sliding out of my arm and knocking my leg out. She was able to push out and get the distance between.

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