Sunday Dinner

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Shield required us to attend a briefing on the whole operation and kidnapping. Maggie had some choice words for Sam when he said the plan of getting her kidnapped. The combination of curses that came out of her lips made me question if she was actually related to Steve. I turned in the IV of serum and the eggheads seemed pleased. They wanted a sample of her blood to compare the new serum too, Maggie ended the conversation by telling them to use the sample on record and walking out. She saw herself out of the tower. I smirked at Sam and the eggheads before following her. She waited for the elevator.

Maggie pulled her jacket tight around her as she waited.

"Hey," I said.


"SO." I shoved my hands in my pocket and leaned against the wall.


"Now what?" I asked her. The door opened. She smiled and walked in.

"I go home. Tell Samantha I lost her dress and shoes. And try to convince Gramps to leave the city." I followed her by hitting the ground floor button.

"You can come back with me and grab your stuff." She looked up at me before looking back at the doors. "Or I can bring it over to your apartment." She didn't respond just looking up at the floor counter as it counted down the floors.

"I don't want to put you out. You've already done a lot for me this weekend." The doors opened to the Lobby and we walked out to the street. She hailed a taxi. "You can donate it and I'll be out of your hair."

"Maggie," A cab stopped in front of her. I opened the door for her. "Let me make it up to you." I watched her as she climbed in. "Let me take you out to dinner, maybe give dancing a second shot."

For a moment, I could see Peggy looking at Steve with this smile that was sweet, innocent, and hopeful but had a twist of humor. "If gramps gives you his blessing." She closed the door and the cab started driving.

Since Steve went back and stayed with Peggy, I've kept in touch to a point, but he was able to live his life and enjoy his time with Peggy. He got the life he wanted where he could finally stop fighting the unknown evils. He walked a fine line between knowing what was going to happen and being involved in what should have happened. I know he used some knowledge to keep his family comfortable, like buying certain stocks, but for the most part, he kept to himself. So while I check in with him on the regular, It's hard to relate sometimes. But watching her drive away, it felt like my 27,000 tomorrows would never come.

Sam appeared next to me. "What are you doing standing here?" He said looking at the same cab I was.

"What do you want me to do, chase after a cab like it's that trash on TV?"

Sam laughed. The last time I visited his sister Sarah, her girlfriends were over watching Sex in the City. Sam said I could pick up dating advice from that show.

Later that night, I called Steve. "Bucky, I was wondering when you'd call." His voice rasped a little but was still amused.

"I wanted to check on Maggie and see how she's doing, but I realized I didn't have her phone number." Not a lie.

"She's home. Relaxing." I could feel his eyebrow arch through the phone.

"Good. Good."

There was a long pause as I tried to figure out what's to say next. Luckily for me, Steve knows how to fill those pauses. "She's had quite a day. But maybe you should stop by tomorrow to check on her?" He suggested.

"Yeah, do you think that would be OK? Do you think she'd want to see me?"

Steve chuckled. "Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow. Pick up a dessert." This wasn't a question, it was an order disguised as an offer.


Like an idiot, I stood outside my best friend's door for fifteen minutes holding a box cake, a bottle of wine, and a bouquet of bodega flowers before I got the nerve to knock. Usually, I'd just walk in, but Sunday Dinner was a formal affair. I remember the times Sarah Rogers hosted my parents and me. Mrs. Rogers used the fancy china, real wine glasses for the adults, and every serving bowl she could find. I'm pretty sure that she had everyone's favorites on the table.

Before I could knock I heard footsteps coming down the staircase next to me. "James?" Maggie looked surprised to see me but was carrying a tray with three bowls balanced on her hand and her shoulder while she carried a salad in her other hand.

I smiled and put the flowers and wine down on the hallway table and took the salad from her hands so she could handle the tray more easily. "I called Steve yesterday to see how you were doing since I didn't have your number and he told me to come to dinner."

The door opened and Steve stood there smiling. "And dinner's going to get cold if you two just keep standing in the hallway talking." Maggie laughed and followed Steve inside. I rearranged the salad and cake so I could grab the flowers and wine. Maggie set down everything with ease, taking the Salad and the wine for the table.

"James, you can put the dessert in the kitchen. There should be space in the fridge if it needs chilling." I followed the instructions and came back to her with just the flowers. Steve had taken a moment to disappear.

"I wanted to make sure you were OK." I handed her the flowers. I could really get used to that smile. "The colors just caught my eye and I thought you'd like them too."

"Yeah. I'm OK. Thank You." She pointed behind me to the China closet. "Can you grab me the vase that's behind you?" I turned and grabbed one of Mrs. Rodgers' vases. I don't know how he found this. It was the ugliest orange carnival glass ever. I'm pretty sure Steve's Dad was color blind because he bought it for her because he thought she would love the color, and as far as we knew, she did.

I smiled. "Yeah." We walked the three steps to the kitchen where Steve was carving the roast beef and putting everything gingerly onto a serving platter. "Steve, How did you find that? I thought it would have been lost when we didn't come back?" Maggie filled the vase with water before arranging the flowers.

"eBay. Maybe you've heard of it? All this fancy new technology lets me find things that I once lost." I rolled my eyes at him, Maggie stepped around me and put them on the table by the door. I didn't realize how full the kitchen room table was.

Three place settings, a bowl of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, biscuits, green beans, salad, and a space for the roast beef and gravy. Maggie and Steve moved around each other grabbing last-minute things like the salt and pepper and gravy boat. I grabbed the church-key off the fridge and opened the wine. By the time Maggie and Steve were ready, the dishwasher was loaded and running. 

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