How to Disappear

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I took a normal life from her. I'm never going to be able to apologize enough for all I've taken from her. "God, I feel like the world's biggest ass." I leaned against the wall.

"The strength part isn't your fault. You didn't destroy a jar of pasta sauce by sending glass everywhere when you were trying to impress someone by making dinner. Ended that night early." She was trying to make light of it. "Spaghetti Jars are not meant for super strength." There was a small laugh that escaped her lips. "For the most part, I can keep the strength in check, but sometimes I can't." There was more to this confession. Am I reading too far into it?

"I still feel like an ass." There was an unspoken you should hanging over her. She's right about it. "Sam is getting the shoe device setup. I have a feeling that we're going to owe you a new pair of sneakers."

"They were old." She commented shrugging off the idea of needing new sneakers.

"Sam's going to want to go over the plan one more time." She grabbed a brush and started brushing out her brown hair. The curls that caught my eye were completely gone and held no evidence of ever holding a curl. She braided her hair, pulling her hair over the ear with the tracker in it. Halfway through, she began to finger comb the braid out and started again.

"I know. I know. Sam's overhead somewhere. You're on the ground. We sit outside at the cafe and chat. Sam gives the signal, we get into a fight and I storm off leading them towards the park to draw them out in the open." She recited. "You follow with the intention of capturing the person who follows me" and let them capture her.

"Yeah. You've definitely got the plan down." She didn't know that the goal was to get her captured so we could find her and take down the whole operation. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Just follow the plan." I was going to be following closely.

"I know." We sat there for a few minutes. Her mind was racing, but she was staying calm. Her hands kept trying to braid her hair before giving up. "If things go weird. I'm running." She said. "I can't just sit there and wait for them to take me. I'm just going to run." I can't blame her.

"Understood. If things go south, you run. Don't stop. Keep moving. Keep in crowded areas." I'll find you. "If you run too far north, you'll hit the Bronx." I tried to laugh. She didn't need to visit the fourth borough today. She didn't laugh.

"James. I don't think you understand." Her tone changed from agreeable to cautious. "I am not getting captured again. I am not going to become a lab rat again. I'm trusting you because Grandpa did. My gut says to get away from you. I am going to do everything in my power to stay free. If that means I run to Jersey, so be it." And like an idiot, I just nodded before heading back into the living room, closing her door behind me.

Sam was done messing with her shoes. "It's not going to work. She's not going to let herself be captured." I said. "Especially if she doesn't know that's the plan."

Sam had that square jaw look that told me that he wasn't going to tell her and I had to. But the door opened before we could say more.

"I'm not doing it." She had heard the conversion. "I'm better off running on my own than have you two hacks 'protect' me. Grandpas wrong, you're not going to keep me safe." She took the earpiece out of her ear. "Take the tracker out of my sneakers. I'm done."

"Maggie, come on." Sam didn't make a move to pull the tracker out.

"No. I'm not going to be a lab rat. And you don't seem to get it." She took her sneaker and pulled up the insert and pulled out the tracker before replacing the insert. She put her sneakers on. "I'm going." She grabbed her clutch and started to leave.

"Maggie wait."

"I will not wait! You lied to me." Her voice was sharp and her shoulders were creeping towards her ears. "You said I'd be safe when your plan is to dangle me over the lion's den but you want me to get taken. You'll probably get a kickback from the bounty and they get me. I'm not playing." Her voice cracked. She pushed past me and left the apartment. I followed after her. "James leave me alone."

"Look." The only reason she stopped was to hit the down button on the elevator. "We fucked up. I'm sorry. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Then let me disappear. I've done it before. I'll do it again."

"Why'd you come back if you were safe while you were hiding."

"Hydra was gone." The elevator beeped and she moved in front of the door that was about to open. "I couldn't leave Grandpa alone." The elevator door opened. "Since he trusts you, you can tell him why I'm gone. I'll send him a postcard along the way." She stepped into the elevator and hit the door close button. "Leave me alone Bucky." And the doors closed.

I started running down the stairs, I could catch her in the lobby. I stood at the elevator waiting for it to open. When it did, it was empty. "Friday, where is Maggie?" I said at the computer AI system Stark set up.

"Ms. Carter-Rodgers got off at the second floor and is using the fire escape on the East side of the building." She was good, but I can find her. I headed to that exit and started to chase after her. Outside that door, I could see her up ahead.

As I ran after her, she hopped on the bus that closed its doors behind her. "God Damnit Maggie." I ended up running after the bus for the next three stops when I finally caught up. I got on the bus only to see that she wasn't on it. I apologized to the driver and jumped off the bus dialing Sam. "Tell me you have a tracer in those shoes besides the one she ripped out."

"Where are you?"

"59th. She got on a bus and I chased the bus. But I lost her. By the time I got onto the bus, she was gone."

"Out of all the trackers, the only one left in the ring. I don't see that in the stuff she left here."

"Track it Sam!"

"How the hell did you lose her. What did you say to her?"

"Not the time. Find her." I could hear Sam typing something.

"She's heading towards central park. But she's moving fast."

"Did she get on a subway?"

"Must be."

"What line?" Where is she going?

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