Chapter 2

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Willow had her head resting on Damon's chest while he had an arm wrapped around her as they both relaxed in his bed. Willow couldn't remember the last time she ever felt so relaxed, the visions she'd get would always leave her feeling tense or stressed. She was happy to get a break from them.

"I'm curious about something." Damon said and she turned her head to look at him. "What about?" She asked. "You bring doom with you." He said, Isobel's words and Willow's reaction afterwards were still on his mind. "People around me tend to end up dead, hate the lives they live or regret meeting me. You could say I'm a curse to be around."

"Stefan and I are still around, we both don't regret meeting you and I don't know about him but I rather enjoy my life, especially right now." He said as he ran his fingers down her side that had her fidget slightly. "Not everyone thinks the same. I mean, I killed Elliot...I even killed the last man I loved."

"What happened?" He asked and saw hurt appear in her eyes as she thought about the memory.

"It was before I met Liam, I was starving my body from the blood it craved and when I was at my weakest he turned up. He nurtured me back to health, actually helped me with controlling my hunger, I was happy. But then I found out he knew who I was when I was human and that he kept me hoping to help him with what he was planning. I didn't and I didn't agree with what he was hoping to do but when no one tried to stop him, I took it upon myself and did so. Not to mention it's my fault you and Stefan are vampires."

"I don't remember you telling Katherine to do what she did or for our father to shoot us." He frowned slightly and she sat up.

"When I saw evidence of what she was doing I didn't do anything, I was more afraid of your father finding out then I was of you and Stefan continuing to get hurt." She said.

"Which is understandable, if you had done something you would've been in the tomb and I would've thought you were dead. How long has this been on your mind."

"Since I left. I used to think that I should've gone against my reason coming to Mystic Falls in the first place." She got word of what happened to the witches years prior so it was thanks to that that she met Damon and Stefan. But if she hadn't then maybe they would've been able to have a normal human life.

"I'm glad you didn't, I got to meet this woman that was so different from everyone else thanks to that." He said as he smiled at her and pushed her down on the bed and she smiled slightly when he got on top of her, "In a way I'm glad I became a vampire. I got to know about the real you, Willow the immortal and her secret army." He said and she chuckled.

"When you say it like that, I can see the benefits." She said and he smirked. "I can show you some more." He said and kissed her that left her dizzy.


Sun was shining through the curtains and onto Willow which woke her up, she stretched an arm out hoping to snuggle into Damon some more but found his side empty and she opened her eyes to see a note on the pillow which said he had gone to the Lockwood mansion to find anything on Tyler's father and couldn't bring himself to wake her up.

'It's a new day, the birds are chirping, the sun is out...are you gonna beat the crap out of Ambrose?' Fayde asked and Willow rolled her eyes and started getting dressed.

"I'm not going to do anything of the sort." She said.

'The let Selene do it. Or you can leave him be and stop blaming yourself for his actions, they were his not yours.' Fayde said having heard where Willow's thoughts had gone.

Willow finished getting dressed as her phone went off and she quickly answered it when she saw it was Abigail.

"What the hell are you thinking?" She asked. "What have I done now?" Willow chuckled. "Selene told me what Ambrose did and I know you'll take this as your responsibility which is ridiculous. He's a grown man, at least most of the time."

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