Chapter 5

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Mystic Falls was holding its Historical Society Volunteer Day event where preparations were underway in a park. Selene and Willow were walking with Caroline and Elena and Selene couldn't help but wonder how the town could come up with anything just to throw a party of some kind.

"So suddenly, she's in the running for Mother of the Year when I'm just trying to avoid her the most." Caroline ranted as she, Elena and Selene carried buckets of paint to a veranda they started painting. "I'm babbling, you don't want to hear all this."

"No, carry on, Caroline. It's always good to get things off your chest." Selene told her. "Well, I was a bitch which is par for the course with us. So, how are things with you and Stefan? Anything?" Caroline asked Elena. "No, not since the fight. He's been pushing me away because he thinks Katherine might get jealous enough to hurt me. I just don't know how to change his mind."

"Katerina is dangerous, Elena, her actions in the past prove it." Willow said. "Yeah, I know that she's dangerous and I know that he's just trying to protect me but it feels like he's giving up and I just..."

"Just what?" Selene asked. "I just thought that we were stronger than that, like Willow and Damon." She said and Willow chuckled. "You do realise we haven't been together as long as you and Stefan then there was that disagreement at the carnival."

"I think for you two it's the case that you've known each other since he was human. Half the time I have to remind myself you two are a thing now." Selene said. While she gets the feeling of them being closer than before, sometimes they act like they used to before they were forced apart.

"Uh-oh. Longing looks are being exchanged." Caroline said and Selene and Willow looked to see Elena looking at Stefan who was looking back at her. "I'm gonna talk to him." She said, standing up. "That's probably not a good idea." Selene said but the girl didn't listen.

"What's wrong with her?" Ambrose asked as he, Liam and Damon walked over to them. "Don't worry about it." The three replied. "Why are you being such a bitch to your mom?" Damon asked Caroline. "Don't worry about it." She frowned.

"Do you still care about Katherine?" They heard Elena ask Stefan.

"Don't do this. Please don't turn this into something that it's not."

"So this is not for discussion. That's what you're saying?"

"No, I'm saying that this isn't for discussion right now because we have ears on us." Stefan said and he and Elena looked towards the group who looked like they weren't listening...except for Selene. She gave a little wave.

"Okay, when?" Elena asked, turning to Stefan.

"I don't know."

"I saw her, Stefan. It's like we're the same person. How could you hate her and be in love with me?"

"You're reaching.I'm not...I'm not Ambrose." Stefan said and the man in question wondered why he was suddenly brought into it.

"How about we don't bring Ambrose into this right now?"

"You know, I can't...I can't do this anymore, Elena."

"Fine, Stefan. Whatever." She said before walking away.

"Relationships are about communication." Damon said. "Is that what you call it when you and Willow eat each other's faces off?" Selene smirked and Willow sighed before walking off, "Oh, come on! That was good!"

"You're an idiot!"


Mason was by a lemonade stand with some lemonade when Liam and Damon walked up to him. "Well, Mason. Working hard?" Damon asked. "Doing my part." He replied. "I heard you talked to Stefan."

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