Chapter 7

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Selene, Liam and Ambrose were at the Boarding House with Caroline and Damon. The three had been out all night looking for Fayde, they went all the way out of town but couldn't find anything, neither could Willow's contacts or Damon when he went looking himself.

Stefan walked in and Caroline told the group her encounter with Katherine at the Grill. Caroline had been helping looking for Fayde also when Katherine pretended to be Elena but thanks to Willow's teachings, Caroline wasn't completely convinced and Katherine had Caroline deliver a message that she wanted the moonstone at the night of the masquerade ball or she'll start killing people.

"She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard." Stefan said as he paced. "She's running scared. What she did to Willow and Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks." Damon said. "We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her."

"We also need to keep in mind Fayde's after her as well, we need to be careful not to get in her way." Liam said. "Why? What would she do?" Caroline asked, a little nervous. "Use any means necessary to get people out of her way. She almost killed us when we tried stopping her from killing a village."

Fayde had only stopped before she killed them to have them watch helplessly instead, in her eyes that was greater than any murder of the four.

"Can we just give Katherine the moonstone so she'll stop?" Caroline asked. "No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight." Damon declared. "You're not going to kill her." Stefan said. "Don't give me that goody-goody crap, not after what she did to Willow."

"You're not going to kill her." Stefan repeated. He understood his brother's anger, he himself was angry about what happened to Willow. "Really?" Damon asked. "Because I am." He said and they looked at him.

Until the sound of clapping had them all turn to see Fayde leaning against the banister.

"Isn't that adorable? The little Salvatore actually thinks he can bring himself to kill someone that looks like his girlfriend. Or is it ex-girlfriend now?" She asked as she walked further into the room. "Where have you been?" Selene frowned.

"Getting into something that's a little more me." She said as she took Caroline's drink before sitting down in a chair, "Now before you guys start the interrogation, no I didn't force Willow to give me control, not really. She knows that I won't hesitate to take Katerina down like a couple of brothers we know."

"What are you talking about?" Caroline asked. "I'm glad you asked. Damon, here, let her leave after she turned up ages ago, stopped Willow going after her. Not to mention his torture on Mason is proof enough he was jealous there was someone new around." She then looked at Stefan, "And you had her tied up all day and what did you do after she told you a story during the Founder's Ball? You let her go off on her merry way."

"How do you know all that?" Stefan frowned. Willow wasn't there for either of those events yet Fayde talked about them as if she was. "I can see the past events whenever I walk into a building. Willow calls it a gift, I call it an annoyance. It's magic related, I don't like it."

"I doubt you'll be doing anything out of the goodness of your heart." Ambrose said and she frowned. "Usually no but I made a promise that I'd make Katerina pay for all that she's done to Willow. It's time I do just that."


Later in the day, Alaric had turned up with weapons for them to use as they were planning on how to deal with Katherine during the ball. The biggest surprise yet was how well Fayde was behaving, most of the time the woman appeared to be sleeping but she was conversing with Willow while gathering energy.

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