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November 10th, 1981
Narcissa stood tensely by the magistrate doors, her son squirming a bit in her grasp, wanting to be put down. "Narcissa," Eileen Goyle— Lucius's younger sister— called as she held out her arms. "Here, I'll take him."

Narcissa instinctively tightened her grip around her child, only for him to squirm more in her grasp. "Draco," she murmured despairingly.

"You really should've left him home with the house-elf," Eileen pressed, placing a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

Before Narcissa could utter her protest, the doors opened and her husband as well as his colleagues walked out. "Lucius!" She gasped, racing into his arms.

"'Cissa," Lucius murmured, hugging her tightly. Draco squealed and squirmed more at being crushed between his parents. "It's alright, we were acquitted."

Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief, placing a firm kiss on his lips. "Thank Merlin," she murmured.

"Indeed," he smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders; gently brushing Draco's cheek as he looked up and smiled at his father. Lucius's smile faltered a bit, though as he leaned to her ear. "Why did you bring him?"

"And leave him with Dobby?" Narcissa pointed out, handing their son over to him. She then pulled out a black toddler cloak and wrapped it around her son, pulling the hood up so she could shield his face from the flashing lights of the paparazzi just outside the doors that led to the entrance of the Ministry of Magic. "Not a chance."

"I think it's time we be going now," a new voice called. Narcissa turned to see Abraxas Malfoy step up behind the rest of his family: Eilene and Dawn Crabbe—Lucius's youngest sister— by their respective husbands. He then turned and glared at Narcissa, who was taking Draco back into her grasp. "You should've left your son with the elf."

"Father," Lucius interjected, squeezing Narcissa's shoulder. "Narcissa just wanted Draco here to celebrate our reunion as a family."

"Hmph," Abraxas grunted, turning toward the exit doors.

Lucius pulled his wife a bit closer to him as she adjusted the cloak to shield his face from the blinding lights as they walked out. Keeping their heads down so the paper's wouldn't get good pictures, they tried to make their way to the fire places. Someone shoved into Narcissa, making her stagger and nearly drop her tot.

Lucius snarled something, but braced his arms around her shoulders as she stabilized herself. "You got him?" Lucius whispered in her ear.

"Yeah," she murmured shakily, leaning in closer to his embrace as they continued walking through the crowd. Lucius grabbed a handful of floo powder and quietly said the location of their manor. Once they were home, Narcissa sighed, taking off the cloak from Draco and placing him on the floor.

Lucius dusted off his clothes and then envelopes his arms around her. She smiled, leaning into his embrace as he guided her to the love seat where they would keep a close eye on their son. "Promise me one thing," Narcissa murmured, smiling as Draco ran towards his floating blocks.

"Anything," Lucius murmured, brushing back the brunette strands of her hair.

"Never let this happen again," she said, looking up and kissing him again.

"I think that's a promise I can keep," Lucius replied, returning the kiss, and only breaking it when something crashed against the wall. Draco's giggle could be heard as his parents groaned. "Now I see why you didn't want him alone."

June 2nd, 1991
"Locomotor Mortis!" Draco cried, waving his new wand as a spell shot at Narcissa, who easily blocked with her protego charm.

"Very good, Draco," Narcissa praised, lowering her wand. "Now the counter-curse is locomotor recreo."

"Narcissa!" Lucius called from the foyer.

"In here, darling!" Narcissa replied as Draco tried casting the spell once again at his mum, but this being a dueling lesson, she blocked easily.

"Leg-locker curse?"

"He needs the practice," Narcissa smiled.

"Draco, go practice on Dobby," Lucius ordered. "Your mother and I need to discuss something"

Draco ran out of the Parler, calling for the house-elf. "What is it?" Narcissa asked when he was gone, sitting down on the love seat that was by the corner.

"It's about which school to send Draco to," Lucius began, sitting down next to her and pulling her into his lap. "I want him to go to Durmstrang; they teach the Dark Arts there so he will expand his magical knowledge, and he will be in a school with only pure-bloods and half-bloods. The kind of people our son needs to be with."

Narcissa listened, nodding as she contemplated for a moment. "As much as I like the idea of Draco being in a school without the mudbloods," she started, brushing aside his long blond locks as she studied his handsome face. "I don't want him so far from home. If the rumors of the Dark Lord's return are true, I want to be able to get Draco home immediately."

"They're not true, 'Cissa," Lucius tried to reassure her.

"You can't confirm that," she pointed out. "Besides, your sisters are sending their sons to Hogwarts this year, as are most of our friend circle. He'll have friends at Hogwarts; he won't have them at Durmstrang. Then there's Karkaroff's teaching method."

"What about it?" Lucius asked, stroking her face.

"He rules by fear," Narcissa continued. "I don't want him in that kind of environment. Besides, he's a cowardice traitor; there's someone else we trust more than Karkaroff, and he is also at Hogwarts."

"Snape," Lucius nodded. "He is a dear friend. Helped keep me out of Azkaban with his testimony, one of the only people I didn't have to blackmail."

"Exactly," Narcissa continued, leaning into his lips. "So we know he'll be safe."

Lucius smiled as she kissed him, deepening it as his hands wandered up her back. "Alright..." he said as they broke for air. "You've convinced me, he'll go to Hogwarts."

Narcissa smiled, kissing his lips one more time, pulling free from his grasp as she walked to the door to call Draco. Lucius looked up to her, a bit in shock, then scowled a bit. "You did that just to get your way."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Narcissa smiled, calling their son once again. "Although, I could always make it up to you tonight— once Draco is asleep."

Lucius slowly got up, and walked up to his wife, possessively wrapping his arms around her. "You most certainly will," he growled in her ear, sending a chill up her spine as his breath tickled the back of her neck. He lingered there for several more moments, before kissing her cheek. "I'm going to change for dinner. Dobby!"

The house-elf appeared and toppled over. "Yes, Master Lucius?" Dobby asked shakily.

Draco finally came racing around the corner as Narcissa released the elf from the curse; Lucius then walked up the staircase while she turned to their son. "Next time I call you," she said firmly, looking down at Draco. "You come immediately."

"Yes, mother," Draco mumbled.

"Go wash up for dinner."

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