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April 19th, 1992

Easter holidays came quickly for the Malfoys; and as always, they threw a grand party, although this time it was by the lake. While most of the others apparated there, the Malfoys arrived on horseback, Narcissa stroking her black steed before Lucius helped her dismount. "Thank you, darling ," she murmured, kissing him.

"Of course, Daffodil," he replied, nuzzling her hair briefly before taking her arm and heading ctoward the field. As they approached, a slender dirty-blonde figure began walking towards them. Lucius recognized her as Magaera Carrow; sister of Amycus, Alecto, Neleus Carrow and Tilphousia Travers. While being a member of the sacred twenty-seven, she was also part of the inner-circle with Amycus and Alecto. She was also a former Slytherin two years behind Narcissa... who had a crush on him.

"How lovely to see you again, Lucius," Megaera greeted as she smiled at Lucius, completely ignoring his wife. "I was hoping to run into you."

"Carrow," Narcissa said coldly. If looks could kill, Lucius knew Megaera would be dead by now.

Megaera sneered and glanced at Narcissa. "Black," she sneered.

Narcissa scoffed, holding up her left hand so the sun dazzled the diamond in her wedding and engagement rings. "Malfoy."

"We'll see how long that lasts," Megaera replied evenly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Narcissa demanded as Lucius took a slight step back; his grip tightening on the head of his wand by should he need to pull it out.

Megaera gave a sly smile. "Just rumors circulating around the circles. Oh, and before I forget, I wanted to inquire on why I didn't receive an invitation this year to the annual Quidditch match? I know I was away for the Christmas duels, but did you find a seeker for the ladies this year?"

Narcissa's lip twisted in a bit of irritation, but she remained composed for now. "If you must know, Carrow, I was the seeker this year; with Draco starting school I didn't see any reason to stay out."

"I see..." Megaera replied tersely, looking back over at Lucius. "I'm sure that was an interesting game indeed."

"You may want to check your sources," Narcissa smirked, narrowing her eyes. "We ended up winning."

"This time, perhaps."

"If you'll excuse me," Narcissa said coldly, turning to leave.  "I should go check on the children."

Megaera snickered. Until Lucius grasped Narcissa's wrist as she tried to walk past him; it wasn't tight enough to hurt her— but she wouldn't break the grip easily either. His eyes met hers briefly before he leaned to her ear. "We'll take a walk later, 'Cissa," he murmured, his lips gently brushing her ear. She smiled up at him, kissing his cheek.

When she had disappeared Lucius turned back to Carrow. "Why do you stay with her?" She bemoaned shaking her head as she stepped closer towards him.

"Mother of my child," Lucius replied simply, knowing where this was going. They had this song and dance every year. She would hunt him down, get him alone, and try to persuade him to leave his wife— or, at the very least, take her on as a mistress. "Not to mention the vows I made to her."

"Vows are made to be broken," Megaera said in a sultry voice, her lips pouting a bit as she stopped and reached up to cup his face. "And as you said, she's the mother of your child— singular—"

"Watch yourself, Carrow," Lucius ordered, slapping her wrist away with the head of his cane. "You're talking about things you know nothing of."

Megaera chuckled, eying his walking stick. "I know enough. I know you can have more children if you find the right woman— and you, Lucius can have any woman you desire. My sister and brother both have twins, imagine how many heirs we could have?"

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