Rumors and detention

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May 24th, 1992

"You're up rather early," Narcissa said as she joined her husband at the Breakfast table, being sure to kiss him on the cheek before sitting down.

"I would think you're up a bit late," Lucius smiled, flipping the page he was reading of the Daily Prophet. "It's nearly nine thirty. Are you feeling alright?"

"I feel fine," Narcissa replied, grabbing a crumpet. A ghost of a smile on her lips, as she met his steely grey gaze. "You probably kept me up too late again." A smirk crossed his lips as he turned the next page. "Besides," she said, unable to keep a hint of sadness in her voice. "You know with me.... it takes some time..."

Lucius looked up from the paper, leaning forward to take her hand. "You're right, flower," he said, kissing her knuckles. "Forgive my impatience."

"You are in a good mood," She smiled, as she took some marmite to put on the crumpet. "Did Weasley finally get sacked?"

"Can't I just be in a good mood because of you?" Lucius asked, feigning innocence.

"Of course," She smirked, taking a delicate bite out of her crumpet. "One has to wonder if you might be up to something," She muttered, stealing a glance at her husband; who was glancing at her as well. She blushed a bit, before returning to her breakfast. "Or maybe it's because you're the strangest man I know."

"Would you be opposed to having luncheon in London?" Lucius asked, after a few minutes, a broad smile still very clear on his lips as he returned to the paper. "I have some business with Burke in Knockturn Alley; but, afterward, we can take a stroll in Hyde Park. I hear the flowers are quite lovely right now."

"I wouldn't be opposed at all," Narcissa replied, smiling a bit. "Especially with the storm we had on my birthday last week."

Lucius was about to reply, when there was a sudden tap on the window. Hermes, Draco's owl, suddenly appeared at the window. She waved her wand to open the window, and the owl dropped the post in the center of the table while swooping to the perch in the corner. She picked up the letters, frowning as she recognized the handwriting.

"What's wrong, darling?" Lucius asked as he tossed the prophet into the fireplace.

"One's from Draco, the other's from Severus," she murmured, confused as to why Severus would be writing them. She used her wand to open his letter first; her frown deepening.

Dear Lucius and Narcissa,

I do wish I were writing under better circumstances, however, as a friend I deeply regret informing you that Draco will be serving detention; and lost the noble Slytherin house twenty points. He was caught out of bed last night, by McGonagall last night. While such an offense would not usually warrant a written note; I felt that you needed to be informed at the situation at hand. Especially, with Lucius being on the Board of Governors. I will inform you if anything significant should arise.

-Severus Snape

"What is it, darling?" Lucius asked, walking to read over her shoulder.

Narcissa shook her head, handing the letter to her husband while she opened Draco's, correctly guessing the contents of it. "He's getting a howler," she grumbled, passing the letter to Lucius once he was done with Severus's. She stormed off to the study, finding the parchment she needed. Lucius joined her several minutes later. "I told him during Christmas, not to be so foolish. Traipsing around the castle in the middle of the night, just to get the Potter boy in trouble!"

"Yes," Lucius agreed, placing his hand on her shoulder to pause the writing. "An example needs to be made; however, is the howler to be his only punishment?"

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