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"The Lady Malfoy joining our Quidditch game?" A voice mocked from his position on the field. After waving their children off on the train— and an unfortunate meeting with the blood-traitor Weasley family— their closest associates gathered at Malfoy manor for the annual Quidditch match. "We may as well forfeit."

"Why is that, Crabbe?" Eileen demanded from her position as Narcissa mounted her broom. "Afraid your Seeker will simply let ours have the Snitch?"

"Hogwash," Corban Yaxley called from his broom as Dobby brought out the trunk. "He's afraid our Seeker will be too distracted by yours to even try to catch it."

"Just because we're married," Narcissa called back as the bludgers and snitch were released. "Doesn't mean he won't try to knock me off my broom at the first opportunity."

"Enough talk," Walden Macnair called as the quaffle went up. "Game time!"

Lucius and Narcissa flew to opposite sides of the field To their respective Seeker positions. While Eileen and Dawn went after the bludgers. Yaxley had caught the quaffle and was heading toward the goal post when Aiden Avery flew out from under him and nearly knocked him off the broom. Nott was sitting safely by his goal, being the eldest one on the field, there was a mutual agreement between them all not to directly attack him and to protect him against the bludgers; however, if he fell off the broom, no one was going to help him.

Because Nott's wife was unable to join them due to her health, their house elf had taken her place as keeper— Narcissa suspected as a way to sabotage the Lady team— and there was no mutual agreement of protection.

Though Dawn and Eileen did their best to keep the bludgers on the Men's side, Goyle launched one at the elf, knocking her off the broom. "Foul, Goyle!" Winnifred Macnair called, stopping in front of the post.

"Not our fault the bludgers went that direction," Goyle called back, flying past her Dawn sent a bludger right toward him; missing him by a hair.

With their keeper out, Narcissa would have to catch the Snitch before the men racked up enough points. "Tough break, darling," Lucius called cockily as he flew up next to his wife.

"Oh don't give me that," Narcissa snarled. "We both know Nott gave us the elf to sabotage us."

"All is fair in love and war," Lucius smirked as Yaxley landed another 10 points.

Narcissa scowled at him, but then smiled. "Of course, darling," Narcissa smiled, noticing a small ball flying right behind Lucius's ear. She shoved him aside, reaching for the Snitch that dodged out of her reach and took off. Narcissa urged her broom after the Snitch.

The Snitch swooped downward to the middle of the field, dodging the bludgers that Narcissa narrowly missed as well. She decided to gain some altitude to see if she could try to cut off its route; and that was when a spell narrowly missed her broom. She quickly pulled out her wand and deflected the next spell, trying to divide her attention between the flying spells and the snitch. While a normal game of quidditch would ban wand use, the Death Eater Quidditch simply raised the stakes, with some boundaries: no spells on the balls and no unforgivable curses.

A spell rebounded, and struck Nott as she circled past him. Someone cast a charm to slow his descent, though so he wouldn't die on impact. "Foul, Malfoy," Avery called, trying to block Narcissa, only to find a snake on his stick.

"Not really," Aiden called, cobbing her husband and causing him to drop his wand. "We lost ours, so now you lose yours. Besides it was a rebound."

Narcissa continued shot up in altitude, losing track of the Snitch. Lucius was still sitting by his spot on the field, as if studying the field fervently. Suddenly the Snitch appeared in front of her and she lunged her broom at it, only for it to dodge just out of her grasp. She once again started chasing after the snitch as the Chasers of both teams started an aggressive power play.

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